rootbrowseIAC-07B2session 11. Mobile Communications and Satellite NavigationPapers1. Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System 2. INSAT MSS Type-D Terminal for Voice Communication3. Design Concept of Quasi Zenith Satellite Sytem4. LEO Communication Constellations - What has Changed in 15 Years?5. How Satellite Communications Support Air Transport Performance: a European Space Agency Contribution to the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research Initiative6. Satellite Systems : a Basic Component of the Future Aeronautical Safety Communications Infrastructure7. Contribution to GALILEO Signals8. DORIS Precise Positioning System : Description and Performance9. GAGAN ( GPS AIDED GEO AUGMENTED NAVIGATION) - Indian SBAS System10. An Algorithm for Estimation and Separation of Ephemeris & Clock Errors in SBAS