Air Traffic Control by Using Geostacionaries Satellites in Air-Earth Communications
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Mrs. Susana Bravo, Spain
- Year
- Abstract
Development of management air traffic control by using geostacionaries satellites in Air-Earth communications system. The current system for managing air traffic is overloaded. Based on radiodiffusion, the performances of ATM (Air Traffic Management), which were useful 10 years ago, will be definitelly insufficient to controlling the increasing amount of planes required nowdays. In order to implement the capacity of the ATM, ICAO (International Civil Aeronautics Organitation) has created the concept of CNS (Comunications Navigation Survilleance) whose main point is using a constellation of geostacionaries satellites for receiving and transmitting the pilot-controller information. This exposition will expose the most importance applications of this new concept. Brief summary of current earth-air aeronautics communications Communication is based on radiodiffusion. VHF band (118-137 MHz in the aeronautics) is saturated and its coverty is limited. The HF (3-30 Mhz) band offers a larger covering due to the reflexion in the ionosfere, but that is why it is too much sensitive to the ionosferics variations. The main consequence is the low quality in the pilot-controller communication. Besides, transmitting information dates packets computer to computer is not available. Future communications by satellites OACI has created the CNS concept which is going to implement the future communications by the aplication of radar in S mode, the proper management of VHF spectrum and the use of geostacionaries satellites which offers a world covering.This last segment of the CNS is called AMSS (Aeronautical Mobile Service by Satellite) and its main function is to offer a total covering over remotes areas and oceanic rutes by VHF Data Link system. TDMA and Selforganised-TDMA are used for broadcasting, these advanced techniques increases highly the capacity of VHF Data Link. AMSS usually requires an analogic HF radiodiffusion over polar areas. Main benefits of CNS concept in the aeronutics communications The implementation in the capacity of the air traffic management system will increase the amount of planes which can be located and guided by one controller. New airways over remotes areas could be created and the security of planes will be more efficient.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-07-B2.4.09.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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