A Telecommunications Satellite Market Analysis
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Patrick Agnieray, Thales Alenia Space, France
- Coauthor
Mrs. Charlotte Neyret, Thales Alenia Space, France
- Coauthor
Mr. Cédric Balty, Thales Alenia Space, France
- Year
- Abstract
The telecommunications satellite market has come a long way since the days of Early Bird. The evolution of the satellite operators demand has led to new technology developments and vice versa. The manufacturing industry has had to adapt to growing success for satellite services, evolution of technical developments headed by agencies, changes in the structure of the commercial market. This paper will take a look back at the demand over the last 5 years, and highlight the evolution foreseen over the next 5 years. It will investigate the present status of the telecommunications satellite ecosystem, incl. launchers, insurance, ... It will also address the geographical spread of the demand as well as the evolution of the demand served by satellites, i terms of services as well as in terms of frequency.
- Abstract document