The Alphabus Product Line
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Philippe Bertheux, Thales Alenia Space, France
- Coauthor
Mr. Michel Roux, EADS Astrium, France
- Year
- Abstract
Astrium and Alcatel Alenia Space are jointly developing a large telecom platform which complements their current product lines, i.e. EUROSTAR and SPACEBUS TM. This development is now in the detailed design phase, with production / qualification of the Engineering Models / Qualification Models for the key equipment units. The Alphabus development is driven by the order from the European Space Agency of a “white tail” service module PFM which is planned to be delivered to the first Alphasat programme. This new product line is targeting high power, and high capacity segment, the main objectives being: get a competitive product offer in terms of price per in-orbit channel for any customer ; get compatibility with all the high capacity launch vehicle ; benefit of the synergies with the existing, and proven industrial organisations in both companies (Astrium and Alcatel Alenia Space). The Alphabus product is developed to embark large payload power ranging from 12kW up to 18kW, and mass up to 1500 kg as nominal domain. The platform, depending upon dedicated payload characteristics, may accommodate heavier payload up to 2000kg. For low dissipation payload (high efficiency), payload power up to 18 kW may be accommodated. The presentation introduces the technical configuration, the launcher compatibility and the the development status.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-07-B2.4.06.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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