rootbrowseIAC-07B2session II. Interactive Session on Space Communications and NavigationPapers1. Mode U/V Satellite Transponder2. Comparison Between Ridged Waveguide and Corrugated Waveguide Low-pass Filters for Communication Satellites3. Ku-Mobile: Satellite Broadcast to Vehicles using available Infrastructure4. Mobile Satellite Reception for Vehicles: Ku-Mobile Results of a Measurement Campaign5. Recovery of Microgravitational Conditions on Board of Freely Fly Space Vehicle Under Measurements of the Satellite Radionavigational Receiver and the Magnetometer6. Study of Rain Attenuation: Models Proposed and Measurements - A Review7. New Nonlinear Signal Processing Techniques in Satellite DSSS Communications8. A New Approach to Solve the Rotation Issue of the Autonomous Navigation Constellation9. Scenarios for a Satellite Channel Emulator10. The DBBC Project - A Flexible Environment for VLBI and Space Research: Digital Receiver and Back-end Systems11. Comparison Research on Mobile Communication Satellite Constellation for China12. Link Analysis For Space-based AIS Reception13. SINS/GPS Integrated Navigation System for Aerospace Application14. Analysis of the NED and ECEF Covariance Propagation for the Navigational Extended Kalman Filter15. Autonomous Navigation For Two Spacecraft System Using Relative Measurements16. Global Monitoring Of Earth Gravitational Field Using Satellite Navigation Systems