rootbrowseIAC-07C1session 11. Attitude Control, Sensors and ActuatorsPapers1. Spacecraft Fine Tracking Pointing Using Control2. Dynamic Modeling and Experimental Verification of Pointing Control Technology in Balloon-Borne Telescope System for Optical Remote Sensing of Planets3. Attitude and Orbit Control System For a high resolution Cartosat-2 Spacecraft4. Development of Attitude Determination and Control System of Tokyo Tech Nano-Satellite, Cute-1.7 + APD II5. A Simple Pico-Satellite 3-Axis Earth Pointing Controller6. Attitude Control Schemes for the First Recovery Mission of India7. Planck AOCS: Precise On-Board control for slowly spinning SC8. ARGO Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem9. Synthesis of Optimal Control Strategy by Damping a Vibration of Earth Flexible Satellite with a Gravity-Gradient Stabilization with Information Constraints10. Satellite Active Magnetic Attitude Control System in Safe Hold Mode