P80 Nozzle Demonstrator - Post Firing Tests Results
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Didier Boury, Snecma Propulsion Solide, France
- Year
- Abstract
The ESA/CNES P80 DEMONSTRATOR program and more particularly its nozzle component was focused on developing the first stage of the European VEGA small launcher and demonstrating low cost technologies for the next generation of large European motors. The P80 nozzle design integrated in fact numerous new technologies centered on cost reduction objectives. A new type of material for carbon-phenolic insulator has been developed. A low torque self protecting flex-seal has also been qualified allowing to use electromechanical actuators. A reinforced carbon-carbon material has also been tested for throat applications. The technological phase was closed mid 2006 after the Critical Design Review. The first Development Motor firing test occurred November 2006 the 30th and was successful. All the hardware and material behaviors are in line with preliminary models. All the success criteria are fulfilled. This paper presents the main results arising from this first test. The second Qualification Motor firing test is planned by mid 2007.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-07-C4.2.04.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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