High Power EMA's For Large SRM Nozzles
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Didier Boury, Snecma Propulsion Solide, France
- Coauthor
Mr. Guillaume Dedeurwaerder, Belgium
- Year
- Abstract
Within the ESA/CNES P80 DEMONSTRATOR program SABCA has developed an electromechanical actuator to steer the Snecma P80 nozzle. During all the development specific attention was focused on the correct fitting of these two components in order to get satisfactory performances for the VEGA launcher control requirements. Snecma and Sabca have also jointly prepared long term plans to study and test components for an advanced small loop capable of a possible evolution of the Ariane 5 Solid Rocket Motor. Snecma has studied a low torque flex-seal closely derived from the existing one. A first demonstration specimen could easily be manufactured and mechanically tested at Snecma test bench. Additionally an updated exit cone design using advanced P80 materials could widely reduced the nozzle inertia. These two evolutions would contribute to greatly reduced the required power for the TVC system at constant required steering angle and steering speed. Sabca is currently developing within an ESA contract an EMA system capable of this power level and has performed some very positive preliminary tests. A full demonstration phase at TVC bench level is foreseen within the coming months. This paper presents the main results from the P80 program focused on TVC and nozzle steering point of view. Complementary activities on GSTP program and nozzle to step up at Ariane 5 MPS level are also presented.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-07-C4.2.02.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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