Thrust Oscillations in SRM
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Jean-Francois Guery, SNPE Materiaux Energetiques, France
- Coauthor
Mr. Franck Godfroy, SNPE Materiaux Energetiques, France
- Coauthor
Mrs. Severine Ballereau, SNPE Materiaux Energetiques, France
- Coauthor
Mr. Patrick Della Pieta, SNPE Materiaux Energetiques, France
- Coauthor
Dr. Stany Gallier, SNPE Materiaux Energetiques, France
- Coauthor
Mr. Philippe Cloutet, SNPE Materiaux Energetiques, France
- Year
- Abstract
Thrust oscillations in solid rocket motors (SRM) may involve vibrations on the launcher detrimental to the comfort of payloads, and the use of expensive damping systems becomes mandatory. SNPE Materiaux Energetiques (SME) has been working on this topic for more than 15 years, aiming at limiting those oscillations. In the case of Ariane 5 SRM, pressure oscillations (French acronym: ODP for Oscillations De Pression) are basically a few tenths of Studies carried out by SME developed a methodology in order to tailor and control ODP. The latter relies on analyzing flight data available (most of them being simulated by CFD), experimental subscale SRM data, stability theories, rule-of-thumb methods as well as state-of-the-art CFD computations. The goal is to propose ways to predict and limit ODP as early as motor conception phase level. Doing so urges the use of modeling and simulation. Several aspects must be accounted for; especially a reliable prediction of the flow is needed, which greatly depends on port geometry and propellant thermodynamics. Then, several phenomena substantially affect ODP, for instance aluminum combustion - leading to a complex two-phase flow, vibration of thermal inhibitor protruding in the flow, as well as turbulence effects. SME studies led to an improved knowledge in those domains, demonstrating the effects of new parameters and the role of some couplings between those different phenomena, by relying on its own house-in CFD codes: CPS and MOPTI®. Thanks to R&D works - under the auspices of CNES and together with ONERA- and also to a new program dedicated to a “ODP-oriented” SRMs (reduced scale motors defined to be representative of full-scale operation), pressure and thrust oscillations should be controlled in the future and drastically reduced, leading to an improved payload comfort.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-07-C4.2.06.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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