Autonomous Electro-hydrostatic Gimbal Actuator Development For Large Booster-class Engines
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Scott Forde, Aerojet, United States
- Coauthor
Mr. Sergey Vladimirov, Russia
- Year
- Abstract
This paper discusses the trade studies performed on three actuator approaches for large booster-class liquid rocket engines, the advantages of the chosen electro-hydrostatic actuator as compared to existing electro-hydraulic (using either an autonomous or using a centralized hydraulic power supply) and electro-mechanical linear actuators. Benefits of the chosen design include the simplification of the whole system (power source and actuator); system cost reduction; system efficiency increase to 0.6 compared to 0.3-0.35 for the best hydraulic systems; and the reduction of the system mass. The development of the schematic, electro-hydrostatic actuator detail design, manufacturing, assembly and the autonomous demonstration testing of the experimental actuator is also be discussed. The analytical performance predictions for stepped and frequency responses are compared to the actuator demonstration results from actuator testing on a dynamic load test stand.
- Abstract document