- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Roland Rydén, Volvo Aero Corporation, Sweden
- Coauthor
Mr. Michael Hallberg, Volvo Aero Corporation, Sweden
- Coauthor
Mr. Michel Honoré, FORCE Technology, Denmark
- Coauthor
Mr. Jakob Nørgaard, FORCE Technology, Denmark
- Year
- Abstract
Volvo Aero and FORCE Technology are very successfully combining their key competencies in a project to further develop the Volvo Aero Sandwich technology for actively cooled rocket nozzle walls, with ambition to be ready for the next planned upgrade of the European Space Agency’s ARIANE 5 commercial launch vehicle. The FORCE Technology related parts of the project, which are funded under ESA contract, are closely followed and reviewed by CNES, but also in close co-operation with Volvo Aero’s industrial partners Astrium ST and Snecma to perform a full-scale testing as a passenger on the Vulcain 2 ARTA 8 campaign. Enabling the complicated welding task, FORCE Technology has together with Volvo Aero developed an industrialised Seam-tracker: a device combining an x-ray source, sensors and laser welding equipment, which in combination with advanced NDT methods, enables the unique nozzle quality required for this critical component. The challenges and technologies involved in the design and manufacture of the sandwich rocket nozzle, including kilometres of welding of very thin walls, hidden under a thin cover sheet with a path accuracy of tens of a millimetre as well as the development of dedicated automated NDT methods for quality assurance based on state of the art technologies are presented in the paper. Furthermore a presentation on the complete Demonstrator Nozzle for the ARTA 8 campaign will be given, defining the design elements and technology steps achieved.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-08.C4.3.10.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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