rootbrowseIAC-09A1session 22. Human Health : CountermeasuresPapers1. A Critical Benefit Analysis of Artificial Gravity as a Microgravity Countermeasure2. Effectiveness of Daily loading of artificial gravity and ergometric exercise as a countermeasure Iwase S, Sugenoya J, Nishimura N, Sato M, Shimizu Y, Konikowska D, Takada H, Takada M, Mano T, Ishida K, Akima H, Hirayanagi K, Katayama K, Ish3. The Large Radius Human Centrifuge : The Human Hypergravity Habitat, H34. Countermeasures on board of the International Space Station5. electroencephalographical, electromyographical, and Biomechanical investigation of astronautic muscle training systems in weightlessness6. Effects of Leg Strength and Bicycle Ergometry Exercise Training on Cardiovascular Deconditioning after 30-day Head-Down Tilt Bed Rest7. research experiment "sonocard" aboard the international space station. possibilities and prospects.8. Effects of low and high frequency electromyostimulation on the strength-velocity properties of musculus triceps surae during 7–day dry immersion9. Dissociation of peripheral and central cardiovascular adaptation during long term space flight.