rootbrowseIAC-09C4session 66. Advanced Propulsion : Non Chemical, Non ElectricPapers1. Non-chemical, non-nuclear advanced propulsion for space applications : panorama and roadmap2. thrust dependency of the microwave rocket on microwave power density and ambient pressure3. heating structure and its sustaining condition of laser supported detonation wave4. Propellant-less Formation Flight Applications using Electromagnetic Satellite Formations5. Solar Photon Sail Deceleration at Alpha Centauri A6. Thickness of solar sail films for interstellar travel7. Recent Achievements in the Development of the MOA Thruster, a high Performance Plasma Accelerator for Space and terrestrial Applications8. improvement of thrust and specific impulse by convective heat transfer in laval nozzle9. development of experimental study to the magnetohydrodynamics (mhd) accelerator