rootbrowseIAC-09D3session 44. Joint Session on Space Technology and Systems Management Practices and Tools” – Part IPapers1. Instantiations of Government Space Innovation Systems: a Comparative Analysis2. Technology Readiness Levels… in practice3. Tools and methods to prepare technologies and competences of future orbital systems: the technical policy at CNES.4. THE USE OF ON-LINE DATA MINING TOOLS IN TECHNOLOGY READINESS AND RISK ASSESSMENTS5. Projecting Technology Change to Improve Space Technology Planning and Systems Management6. The European Space Technology Requirements Database (ESTER)7. Technology Infusion in the NASA Innovation System: Challenges and Opportunities as Viewed Through the RAMSES STTR8. development research on virtual test and evaluation technology9. Rapid Idea Incubation Cell (RIIC) – A New System Analysis Tool for Space Projects10. CAD Models in Production Planning for Ares V11. Software Engineering standards and Satellite development– The Indian Space Research scenario