rootbrowseIAC-09D5session 22. Quality and Knowledge Management in Aerospace CompaniesPapers1. Status of the IAA Knowledge Management Working Group2. Apollo: Learning From the Past, For the Future3. Capturing Tacit Knowledge for Spacecraft Operations in ESOC4. Multi-Generational Knowledge Sharing for NASA Engineers5. Taxonomy for Space: Knowledge Sharing Amongst Countries6. Development and evaluation of a prototype cross-search system for aerospace technical data management7. Knowledge Management Architecture for Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency8. Understanding and Implementing Knowledge Management for ESA's Planetary Missions9. Importance of Knowledge Management within Space Data Systems10. SWIFTER - Space Weather Informatics, Forecasting, and Technology through Enabling Research and Virtual Organizations11. Learning from Space Operations: Lessons Learned as Drivers for Improvement12. The Implementation of Risk Management into the Concurrent Engineering Process