rootbrowseIAC-09E5session 22. Space Expectations: How the Public Views Space ActivitiesPapers1. A Participatory Space Exploration Case Study: Google Lunar X PRIZE2. "ILA Space Pavilion" - Bringing Space to Politicians, Media, General Public and Children3. Engaging the Public in Lunar-gravity and Mars-gravity Educational Flights4. Space Expectations: Latest survey results5. Space and Television: Is there a reason?6. HANA-densetsu, a new challenge of Space Cultural Mission7. Investigating public space exploration interest and support in the uk8. Space Marketing9. Impact of Space Activities upon the “Middle Class” of people populating the Indian Sub Continent.10. Raising public awareness: building long-term constituencies for space exploration11. Lessons Learned from Using Historic Religion and Science "Conflicts" as a Guide to Understanding How Parts of the Public View Space Activities.