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  • session 6
  • 6. System Engineering Tools, Prcesses and Training (2)


    1. Microsatellite Optical Payload for in-situ space debris monitoring

    2. Concept selection for a planetary reflection-seismology system with multiple end-user requirements and mission constraints.

    3. Branch and Bound techinque to efficiently solve control and system design problems with mixed-integer variables domains

    4. system engineering for srmsat

    5. 3D virtual platform to validate planetary vehicles design and operations

    6. Uncertainty Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Space Systems in the Presence of New Attributes

    7. Complexity and Novelty as Relative Measures of Cost, Risk and Uncertainty in Low Concept Maturity Missions

    8. Development of a CFD Methodology for Testing Combustion Instabilities of a Shear-Coaxial Gas-Gas Rocket Injector using an Atmospheric Burner

    9. Concurrent systems engineering of a microsatellite launch vehicle

    10. reliability modification in multidisciplinary design optimization of a solid propellant launch vehicle