rootbrowseIAC-11C1session 44. Orbital Dynamics - Part 2Papers1. Breakwell Lecture: Orbital Mechanics about Small Bodies2. Trajectory Design for the Moon Departure Libration Point Missions in Full Ephemeris Model3. impulsive control strategy for formation flight in the vicinity of the libration points4. a simplified model for motions around the collinear libration points in the earth-moon system5. Closed-form solutions for the averaged dynamics of HAMR objects6. On the ballistic capture of asteroids for resource utilisation7. INFLUENCE OF NONSPHERICITY OF PLANETARY SATELLITES AND PERTURBATION OF THE THIRD-BODY ON THE ARTIFICIAL SATELLITES MOTION8. Orbital dynamics of high area-to-mass ratio spacecraft under the influence of J2 and solar radiation pressure9. Nonlinearly stable equilibria in the Sun-Jupiter-Trojan-Spacecraft four body problem.10. Optimal Low-Cost Transfer to L4 and L5 Lagrangian points11. Earth-to-Moon low energy transfer using time-dependent invariant manifolds