rootbrowseIAC-16A1session IPIP. Interactive PresentationsPapers1. Application of the ECLSS reliability analysis tool RELISSA for long duration human space flights2. Sleep in space versus sleep on Earth.3. Algorithm for classification of EEG signals in astronauts4. Pathophysiology and Current management of Space Flight Osteopenia: A review of Literature5. Analysis of the water balance in a closed experimental model of the artificial ecosystem intended for a rated fraction of a human6. perennial springs from the canadian artic as analogue sites to mars7. food proposal for the space live8. Extreme Measures: Advanced Concepts for the Future of Human Space Exploration9. Plants on the Moon: The CubeSat shaped plant growth experiment module on the Lunar surface10. BAMMsat - A platform for space environments studies on biological systems in CubeSats and CubeSat-like payloads11. Effects of Reduced Gravity on the Cardiovascular System - Current Understanding and Future Research12. Metagenomic evaluation of the microbiological burden of SkinSuit throughout an ISS mission13. The heart in space environment14. Osmoadaptation strategies used by Salinibacter ruber in a europan scenario15. Cardiorespiratory responses during a 30 day complete autonomy expedition in Antarctica16. Sociodiagnostic tools and their lookout in monitoring crews in prolonged isolations17. Using a crew performance centered approach for designing and evaluating human spacecraft18. MANNED ROVERS FOR MARS EXPLORATION, MOON AND OTHER PLANETS19. UPDATE ON CHALLENGES OF TERRESTRIAL AND EXTRA – TERRESTRIAL ORIGINS OF LIFE20. Thermoregulation by sex: a cardiovascular MRI study21. bacterial colonisation on mars to support future space settlements22. Hardware for Cell Cultures in Space23. Modern Psychology for Space Exploration24. Hindlimb unloading and reloading of mice lead to different remodeling of left ventricle and right ventricle25. Intercultural Competence: Behavior, Performance and Psychosocial Considerations26. Studies of Micro-gravity conditions of Dental Care for an Interplanetary Space Mission27. Applying Genetic Algorithms to Evaluate Femur Morphometry adaptation on Mars Gravity28. Electrodeposition of PtCu particles for the oxidation of glucose in neutral pH with possible application in microgravity environments for human health monitoring29. A MINIATURIZED INCUBATOR DESIGN FOR MICROGRAVITY BOTANIC EXPERIMENTS IN CUBESATS30. Turmeric in Antimicrobial therapy: An interesting study on Gram-ve and Gram+ve organisms31. The Study on Effect of Neurons in Space Flight and Conditions on Brain/Neuronal Plasticity and Connectivity Cells.32. FLOWING WATER ON MARS – A NEXT STEP FOR EXTRATERRISTRIAL LIFE33. Countermeasure consideration of weightlessness physiological effects in our long-term space flight34. Innovations for Space Exploration - Lessons from Martian Analog Astronaut Simulation Expeditions35. Perspective automated control system for a complex of regenerative life support systems of the crew of the space station36. TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC DUST VS MARTIAN ATMOSPHERIC DUST; AS NUTRIENT SOURCE FOR CYANOBACTERIA ¨THE 1ST OXYGEN FACTORY ON MARS¨ A.O. Muñoz Lomeli & H.B. Beraldi Campesi UNAM, Institute of Geology.37. Health of an Aquaponic System in a Low Earth Orbit Photoperiod38. Space Gardening Lessons from HI-SEAS: Lights, Crops and Growing Media39. What is life? How molecular astrobiology and space exploration are bringing us closer to an answer40. The results of expedience analysis of human presence in space in low-earth orbit41. Dynamics of aquaporin-3 content in erythrocytes of the Russian cosmonauts during long-term space flights on the Russian segment of the International Space Station43. Design of an artificial vision system for biological experimentation under microgravity effects on board a nanosatellite44. IMPORTANCE OF PSYCOHOLOGICAL EVALUATION IN AEROSPACE SAFETY. (30 YEARS EXPERIENCE, SECRETARIAT OF NATIONAL DEFENSE (SEDENA) -SECRETARIAT OF MARINE NAVY OF MÉXICO (SEMAR).