wireless power transmission using plasma
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. JAGADEESH NEERUGANTI, India, Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- Coauthor
Mr. T Ananda Mukesh, India, Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- Coauthor
Mr. SAI TARUN KOPPISETTI, India, Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- Coauthor
Mr. Neelabh Menaria, India, Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- Coauthor
Mr. Sushmith Thuluva, India, Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- Coauthor
Mr. SOMA ROHITH, India, Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- Coauthor
Ms. Anusri s, India, Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- Coauthor
Mr. Gaurav R, India, Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- Coauthor
Mr. Chiranthan K, India, Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- Coauthor
Mr. Ajay Sriram, India, Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- Coauthor
Mr. RAHUL S, India, Ramaiah Institute of Technology
- Year
- Abstract
This paper aims to demonstrate how to transmit power from a battery satellite to another in orbit satellite which running out of power with the help of plasma available from solar wind and ionosphere. This is similar to a process of charging mobile phone using power bank, But without charging cable. Structure of the battery satellite consists of large solar panel, huge battery & plasma power cord. The design structure of plasma cord cable consists of two conductive electrodes which generates static magnetic field around the electrodes . This mechanism helps the plasma to be confined between the electrodes and thus act as an imaginary conductive cable through which power from battery satellite can be transferred wireless to other satellites and receiving satellite should also consists of similar plasma cable cord set up.And all other system parameters, design specifications and technology requirement will be presented with the supporting calculations and data.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document