Science Academy Lower Austria - How to Train like an astronaut
- Paper number
- Author
Dr. Sandra Haeuplik-Meusburger, Austria, Vienna University of Technology
- Coauthor
Dr. Manuela, Belgium
- Year
- Abstract
The Science Academy is a new and very special academic program initiated by the government of lower Austria. It is a professional academic course for 14 to 16 year old kids, that they attend as extracurricular activity during the weekends. It is the perfect age, as all children are keen on learning, but are too young for a university course, at the same time, their interest exceeds the schools capacities. Each course takes two years and the students have lectures and workshops on one Saturday per month. In the summertime there is an intensive one week summerschool. Overall, there are 5 courses: biotechnology, history and culture, media, smart world and SPACE. The aim of the science academy is to bring the students into direct contact with scientists and experts. In this presentation, the overall concept of the 2 year curricula of the science academy SPACE will be outlined. One workshop on 'how to train like an astronaut' is detailed in particular.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document