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  • Our Giant Leap: towards a diverse and inclusive aerospace workforce

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    Ms. Yulia Akisheva, France, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)


    Mrs. Pauline Delande, France, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)


    Ms. Charlotte Nassey, France, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)


    Ms. Clara Moriceau, France, ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace


    Ms. Priyanka Das Rajkakati, France, ISAE-Supaero University of Toulouse


    Mr. Guillaume THIRION, France, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)


    Mr. Nicolas Soulard, France, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)


    Ms. Maelys BELIAZI, France, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)


    Ms. Judith Kemp, France



    Our Giant Leap (OGL) is an initiative of the global non-governmental, non-profit organisation and network of the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) that supports diversity and gender balance in the aerospace sector. The strong point of the SGAC is that it represents the voice of the space youth and therefore offers a unique perspective on topics related to the evolution of the space workforce. The research and contributions of members are regularly presented to the United Nations Programme on Space Applications. This paper addresses the findings, research and conclusions of OGL.
    Women of the sector often learn to overlook the impacts of discrimination, and accept it as the burden of a traditionally male dominated field. At OGL, as actors of the future space workforce, we believe that this needs to change. The scope of OGL for 2020 is therefore to focus on women and their challenges, and educate the SGAC delegates about the benefits of diversity for the overall productivity and quality of their work.
    Building on a kick-off event in France (SG[France] 2020), a presentation at the MEETT in Space Congress in Toulouse, the creation of a dedicated SGAC Project Group and the participation to the Space Generation Congress (SGC), OGL aims to: inspire young women to choose the path of aerospace; break free from stereotypes and systemic discrimination; propose mentorship strategies for young space professionals in academia, industry and space agencies; find solutions to concrete issues to make the work environment more inclusive; and help filling the gaps in female-oriented space research. The main outcomes of OGL’s activities are discussed in this paper. Such outcomes include recommendations and step-by-step strategies as well as descriptions of trainings to be held in companies, non-profits, academia and space agencies. The variety of formats (reports, videos, posters, papers) in which this information is communicated allows to reach as many people as possible so that the identified solutions can be implemented at a large scale. OGL has developed a vision and objectives to be implemented internationally through the SGAC network and partners.
    This paper presents OGL’s strategy to offer a networking platform for the space sector as a tool to break stereotypes and embrace diversity for the full palette of opportunity that it presents. A significant step, or leap, of the way towards diversity is valorising women of the sector. The means to do so are presented and discussed in this paper.
    Abstract document


    Manuscript document

    IAC-20,E1,5,11,x59357.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).

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