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  • The Australian Space Agency’s First Roadmaps: Methodology, Results and Lessons-Learned

    Paper number



    Mrs. Katherine Bennell, Australia, Australian Space Agency



    The Australian Space Agency’s vision is a globally responsible and respected space sector that lifts the broader economy, and inspires and improves the lives of Australians. The Australian Space Agency was established to provide a national focus, and to create and sustain the conditions necessary to grow Australia’s Space Sector. The Australian Space Agency unveiled its ‘Advancing Space: Australian Civil Space Strategy 2019-2028’ strategy in April 2019, which sets out a 10-year path to guide the growth of the sector to A$12 billion and to 30,000 jobs by 2030. The strategy is built on four strategic pillars: International, National, Responsible, Inspire. Activities under the pillars will be guided by the 7 National Civil Space Priority Areas that build on Australia’s areas of strength and address its challenges. 
    In mid-2020 the first aligned roadmaps of Australia’s space capability will be published, which will outline how to achieve the Australian Space Agency’s vision over the next decade. The roadmaps seek to align the Australian space capability growth activities ongoing around the country today and in the future towards a common vision, key ambitions, and well-defined capability goals. They will be utilised by the Australian Space Agency in many ways. They will: (1) provide a framework to support the planning and coordination of developments and investments across the Australian space sector; (2) aide reaching a national consensus about a set of needs and the technologies required to satisfy those needs; (3) be a mechanism to help forecast technological developments; (4) allow for streamlined collaborative mapping with international players; and (5) guide the design of future Australian Space Agency programs.
    By underpinning its vision for the country with well-considered and informed roadmaps, the Australian Space Agency will ensure an aligned, connected, informed Australian space sector that is united behind a well communicated vision and a clear path towards it.
    These roadmaps are being developed via the implementation of a thorough process that involves the establishment of Technical Advisory Groups for each of the Civil Strategic Priority Areas. These Technical Advisory groups are comprised of key members of the Australian space sector that were brought together and focused towards a common vision. The roadmaps were also informed via a sector-wide and public consultation process. 
    This paper will detail the methodology and results of the roadmapping activity. It will describe the  plans for utilising the roadmaps and the lessons learned.
    Abstract document


    Manuscript document
