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  • session 6
  • 6. Astrobiology and Exploration


    1. "Exploring a new world: searching for new molecular insights of Haloarchaea within halite fluid inclusions on Earth and space"

    2. Salinisphaera shabanensis - a new astrobiological model organism

    3. Chao/Kosmotropic Properties of Brine Solutions in the Presence of Ancient Proteins and Their Assistance in the Bioavailability and Precipitation of Life-Necessary Organic Molecules

    4. Space exploration of icy moons to determine their astrobiological potential

    5. First Description and Characterization of newly discovered Andean microbial ecosystems in the Puna de Atacama, a Mars analogue environment

    6. Adopting an Objectives-Driven Assurance Case Approach for Achieving Space Flight Mission Planetary Protection Objectives

    7. Infrared observations of phosphine on Venus

    8. cubesat lunar cycler platform to measure darwinian evolution beyond low earth orbit

    9. NASA’s Planetary Protection Program to Assure Mission Safety and Success

    10. A critical review of planetary protection strategy