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  • session 3
  • 3. Microgravity Experiments from Sub-Orbital to Orbital Platforms


    1. Experimental Study of Wax Fuel Formation During Spaceflight

    2. numerical and experimental results on self-rewetting fluids for two-phase heat exchangers in low-g experiments

    3. The Reduced Gravity Cryogenic Transfer Project

    4. agrifuge: an exploration of controlled irrigation methods for a rotating plant habitat

    5. Assessment of the immune cell counting obtained from human peripheral blood after a parabolic flight

    7. The Low-Cost Attitude Determination and Control System ASTER: Design, Testing and Lessons Learned

    8. Determining Response Differences to Microgravity in Male and Female Bioengineered Cartilage Tissues

    9. Opportunities for Microgravity and Hypergravity experiments under the United Nations Access to Space for All Initiative: Achievements in 2021-2022

    10. Comparative analysis of a microgravity Computed Axial Lithography (CAL) based system to a gravity affected CAL system