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  • the financing model for research and development activities in the brazilian space sector

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    Mr. ANTONIO CRISTOVAO DOS SANTOS, Brazil, Brazilian Space Agency (AEB)


    Ms. Michele Cristina Silva Melo, Brazil, Brazilian Space Agency (AEB)



    The Brazilian Space Program - PEB in a broadest sense, stands out in the construction of two significant milestones for space activities: the implementation of the National Policy for the Development of Space Activities - PNDAE and the creation of the National System for the Development of Space Activities – SINDAE. The PNDAE's main objective is to promote Brazil's ability to use space resources and technologies to solve national problems and benefit Brazilian society. The Brazilian Space Agency is a federal agency, of a civilian nature, created with the purpose of promoting the development of space activities of national interest. Among its competences are the encourage of scientific research and technological development in activities of interest to the space area. So, the importance of allocating the public budget to the execution of the program's activities is highlighted. The space sector requires advanced technologies and research to efficiently play its role. Thus, one of the instruments used by the AEB is the Decentralized Execution Term – TED, as a way of allocating resources for the implementation of this Policy and bringing innovations in the sector. The efficiency of the execution of these investments in the TED instruments, celebrated between the AEB and the sectorial institutions of the PNDAE is an equally important point. The model adopted in Brazil differs from the models adopted in other countries, notably in the United States. In Brazil, the AEB decentralizes resources, mostly to research institutes or public institutions, which carry out the projects, and may or may not hire private companies to carry out part of the developments. In other words, in this model, the public research institutes themselves play the role of prime contractor. This article analyzes the values decentralized by the AEB between 2013 and 2021, totaling R\$1,137,223,087.64. Although the concentration in only four public institutions (launching centers and public research institutes), it is also possible to perceive the participation of universities as recipients of resources from the AEB.
    Abstract document


    Manuscript document
