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  • The Universal National Policy Model for Safe, Secure and Sustainable Space Environment

    Paper number



    Ms. Sumaya Alhajeri, United Arab Emirates



    Space activities have traditionally been restrictive due to high cost of access. This dynamic has started to shift as new technologies, innovative business models, and commercially driven initiatives have emerged. Space is no longer exclusive to governments, but now sees an increasing number of commercial and academic actors. With the commercialization of the outer space sector and the emergence of the “New Space” capabilities in the market, outer space is now and continues to become ever more accessible. However, the high-risk profile remains, and as with any evolving industry activity, implementing a proactive space policy is a priority on the agenda of many states. Thus, space safety, security and sustainability must be approached in a new fashion to effectively address the New Space dynamics. This qualitative research aims to develop a universal national policy model using the theory of change methodology, a tool used to illustrate how government policy may best lead beneficial outcomes. The theory of change model discussed herein will map several national space policies and practices. The research significance is evident on the basis it aims to guide states on how to facilitate space activities without compromising safety, security and a sustainable space environment. This research will determine how governments, academia and commercial firms can best ensure the benefits of New Space activities make their way to end users in the community.
    Keywords: Policy Analysis, Space Safety, Space Security, Space Sustainability, Theory of Change.
    Abstract document


    Manuscript document
