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    Paper number



    Ms. Ayse Oren, Turkey



    Art and Architecture make you travel through time in vertical sections and witness human evolution in terms of material, technology and knowledge.  V. Gordon Childe and Lewis Mumford are two archaeologists defending two opposing views on the rise of civilizations and cities:  while Child in his book ‘Man Makes Himself’ explains his thesis with an evolutionary point of view, Mumford in ‘The City in History’ claims that religious beliefs and rituals create a civilization.
    The archeological site Göbeklitepe (southeast of Turkey) however, stands in confrontation with all its mystery and yet enough to change world history.  There is no logical explanation for how these works were done in the pre-pottery Neolithic period 12,000 years ago, and no tools can be found in the site. The art pieces carved are still a big mystery while using stone over stone and using stone as a tool is the most explainable answer to that. 
    Whatever the reason is we want to express our existence and leave a trace behind us. Some of us may write a theory, some with colors, some with notes and some by making an apple pie. 
    In today’s world the boundaries of science and art are blurred, the Hubble Telescopes photos are said to be Hubble’s canvas and the microscopic pictures of cells or organisms seem like surreal art. 
    Art is a type of research done for different needs and also done with different goals.  It is revealing the cover looking behind the curtain really trying to understand the very basic and core questions of our life and our existence.  The same ways as physicists are building big tunnels to have the atoms flying around because they want to go to the next step of truth. Every artistic work has to do this search for the rules, digging and understanding what is behind our existence.
    My definition would be:  Art is the result of human’s interaction with creation.
    What is the origin of art work? 
    How can we carry the idea further into space?
    Does art need observer?
    Is Art inevitable?
    In this essay I will try to create a point of view to those questions.
    Abstract document


    Manuscript document
