Memoirs and Organisational Histories
Autobiographical and biographical memoirs of individuals who have made original contributions to the development and application of astronautics and rocketry. History of government, industrial, academic and professional societies & organisations long engaged in astronautical endeavours.
Chairman: Mrs. Marsha Freeman, 21st Century Science & Technology, United States;
Chairman: Mr. Hervé Moulin;
Rapporteur: Mr. Theo Pirard, Space Information Center, Belgium;
Rapporteur: Mr. Niklas Reinke, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Germany;
Order | Time | Paper title | Selection result | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | André-Louis Hirsch (1899-1962) - A sponsor for early astronautics in France | accepted | 15' | withdrawn | Mr. Pierre-François Mouriaux | Association Histoires d'espace | France | |
2 | Heinz-Hermann Koelle and His Contributions to Space Development | accepted | 15' | confirmed | Dr. Charles Lundquist | University of Alabama in Huntsville | United States | |
3 | accepted | 15' | confirmed | Mr. John Harlow | Aerojet Rocketdyne | United Kingdom | ||
4 | accepted | 15' | withdrawn | Dr. Roger D. Launius | Smithsonian Institution | United States | ||
5 | accepted | 15' | withdrawn | Mr. Christophe Rothmund | Snecma | France | ||
6 | The Pedro Paulet's liquid propellant rocket engine invention:first step in the space rocketry | accepted | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Luis Rojas | Peru | ||
7 | BRAZILIAN ASTRONAUTICAL HISTORY: FROM SANTOS DUMONT UP TO ASTER MISSION | accepted | 15' | withdrawn | Prof.Dr. Ana Paula Marins Chiaradia | UNESP/FEG | Brazil | |
8 | accepted | 15' | confirmed | Prof. Alexander Medenkov | Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research Institute, MAI) | Russian Federation | ||
9 | accepted | 15' | confirmed | Prof. Rock Jeng-Shing Chern | University of Science & Technology | Canada |