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    IAC-12 — 63rd International Astronautical Congress


    This symposium addresses advances in orbital mechanics, attitude dynamics, guidance, navigation and control of single or multi-spacecraft systems as well as space robotics.


    Alfred Ng
    Canadian Space AgencyCanada

    Erick Lansard
    Satellite Research Center, Nanyang Technological University (NTU)Singapore, Republic of

    C1.1. Guidance, Navigation and Control (1)

    The emphasis of this theme is on the studies and application related to the guidance, navigation and control of Earth-orbiting and interplanetary spacecraft and rockets, including rendezvous and docking.


    Fuyuto Terui
    Kanagawa Institute of TechnologyJapan

    Bernard Lübke-Ossenbeck
    OHB System AG-BremenGermany

    C1.2. Guidance, Navigation and Control (2)

    The emphasis of this theme is on the studies and application related to the guidance, navigation and control of Earth-orbiting and interplanetary spacecraft and rockets, including rendezvous and docking.


    Eberhard Gill
    Delft University of TechnologyThe Netherlands

    James O'Donnell
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight CenterUnited States


    Mikhail Ovchinnikov
    Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RASRussian Federation

    C1.3. Guidance, Navigation and Control (3)

    The emphasis of this theme is on the studies and application related to the guidance, navigation and control of Earth-orbiting and interplanetary spacecraft and rockets, including rendezvous and docking.


    Arun Misra
    Mc Gill Institute for Aerospace Engineering (MIAE)Canada

    Benedicte Escudier
    Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE)France


    Daniel Scheeres
    Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research, University of ColoradoUnited States

    C1.4. Mission Design, Operations and Optimisation (1)

    The theme covers design, operations and optimisation of Earth-orbiting and interplanetary missions, with emphasis on studies and experiences related to current and future missions.


    Nicolas Bérend
    ONERA - The French Aerospace LabFrance

    Michèle Lavagna
    Politecnico di MilanoItaly


    Kathleen Howell
    Purdue UniversityUnited States

    C1.5. Mission Design, Operations and Optimisation (2)

    The theme covers design, operations and optimisation of Earth-orbiting and interplanetary missions, with emphasis on studies and experiences related to current and future missions.


    David Spencer
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States

    Yury Razoumny
    RUDN UniversityRussian Federation


    Johannes Schoenmaekers
    European Space Operations CentreGermany

    C1.6. Orbital Dynamics (1)

    This theme discusses advances in orbital dynamics, orbit determination, and orbit control. It includes orbital dynamics associated with constellations and formation flying.


    Jeng-Shing (Rock) Chern
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)Canada

    Othon Winter
    São Paulo State University - Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)Brazil


    Josep J. Masdemont
    Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)Spain

    C1.7. Orbital Dynamics (2)

    This theme discusses advances in orbital dynamics, orbit determination, and orbit control. It includes orbital dynamics associated with constellations and formation flying.


    Jean-Paul Berthias
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Filippo Graziani
    G.A.U.S.S. SrlItaly


    Weihua Zhang
    National University of Defense TechnologyChina

    C1.8. Attitude Dynamics (1)

    This theme discusses advances in spacecraft attitude dynamics and control, as well as attitude sensors and actuators. The theme also covers dynamics and control of multiple interconnected rigid and flexible bodies including tethered systems and space robots.


    Gianmarco Radice
    Singapore, Republic of

    Kazuya Yoshida
    Tohoku UniversityJapan


    Simei Ji
    Beijing Institute of TechnologyChina

    C1.9. Attitude Dynamics (2)

    This theme discusses advances in spacecraft attitude dynamics and control, as well as attitude sensors and actuators. The theme also covers dynamics and control of multiple interconnected rigid and flexible bodies including tethered systems and space robots.


    Anna Guerman
    Centre for Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Technologies (C-MAST)Portugal

    Bang Hyochoong
    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)Korea, Republic of


    Amalia Ercoli Finzi
    Politecnico di MilanoItaly