symposium A1
Affilated company | country | papers | |
Ai, Weidang | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Ainslie, Ricardo | The University of Texas at Austin | United States | |
Aitchison, Lindsay | NASA | United States | |
Akiyama, Yasuhiro | Nagoya University | Japan | |
Alinoori, Amir Hossein | Iran | ||
Ammann, Walter | Global Risk Forum (GRF) | Switzerland | |
Anderson, Allison | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | |
Andreychuk, Peter | S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia | Russian Federation | |
Artyukhova, Anna | University of Nimes | France | |
BALUCHAMY, SUDHAKAR | Pondicherry University | India | |
Babyn, Paul | University of Saskatchewan | Canada | |
Baevsky, Roman | Institute for Biomedical Problems | Russian Federation | |
Baevsky, Roman | SSC RF Institute for bio-medical problems RAS | Russian Federation | |
Bahadori, Amir | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Johnson Space Center | United States | |
Bai, Yanqiang | China | ||
Bai, Yanqiang | Astronaut Center of China | China | |
Bai, Yanqiang | Astronaut Center of China | China | |
Barabash, Stanislav | Institutet för Rymdfysik (Swedish Institute for Space Physics) | Sweden | |
Bareille, Marie-Pierre | MEDES - IMPS | France | |
Baross, John | University of Washington | United States | |
Bauermeister, Anja | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institute of Aerospace Medicine | Germany | |
Beck, Arnaud | France | ||
Belakovskiy, Mark | Institute for Biomedical Problems | Russian Federation | |
Belz, Stefan | University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Bennett, Alan | Health Protection Agency | United Kingdom | |
Bersenev, Evgenii | IBMP | Russian Federation | |
Bi, Lei | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Binsted, Kim | University of Hawaii | United States | |
Biryukov, Nikolay | IBMP | Russian Federation | |
Biskup, Josefine | University of Zurich | Switzerland | |
Blaber, Andrew | Canada | ||
Black, Chuck | Canada | ||
Bobe, Leonid | NIICHIMMASH | Russian Federation | |
Bogomolov, Valeriy | FSC RF-IMBP | Russian Federation | |
Brady, Ken | United States | ||
Brandt, Pontus | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Bretschneider, Jens | Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Bridges, Jim | University of Surrey | United Kingdom | |
Buchert, Melanie | University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Buttron, Isabell | Switzerland | ||
CAO, YUJING | Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | |
Caldwell, Bryan | Cornell University | United States | |
Cancedda, Ranieri | Università degli Studi di Genova | Italy | |
Capria, Maria Teresa | Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology (IAPS) | Italy | |
Causse, Mickaël | ISAE | France | |
Charles, John | NASA Human Research Program | United States | |
Chen, Hailong | China | ||
Chen, Hailong | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Chen, ShanGuang | Astronaut Center of China | China | |
Chen, Shanguang | China | ||
Chishti, Arif Ali | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) | Germany | |
Chunhui, Wang | China | ||
Ciofani, Gianni | Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia | Italy | |
Clark, Jonathan | United States | ||
Cohen, Christina | California Institute of Technology | United States | |
Conley, Catharine | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | United States | |
Coombe, Morgan | Australia | ||
Coombe, Nicholas | Australia | ||
Costigan, Andrew P. | The University of Texas at Austin | United States | |
DENG, ZHILI | Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | |
DUAN, ENKUI | Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | |
Dai, Kesheng | China | ||
Dai, Zhongquan | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Datta, Lakshya | University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | |
Davis, Jeffrey R. | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Johnson Space Center | United States | |
De Angelis, Giovanni | Istituto Superiore di Sanita (ISS) | Italy | |
De Boever, Patrick | VITO/TAP | Belgium | |
Decker, Robert | United States | ||
Deng, Yibing | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Deng, Yulin | China | ||
Diaz, Ana | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | |
Ding, Nan | China | ||
Dong, Junlei | China | ||
Drescher, Juergen | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) | United States | |
Easley, Ronald Blaine | Baylor University | United States | |
Engeli, Stephanie | University of Zurich | Switzerland | |
Ernst, Carolyn | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
FENG, JING | China | ||
Fasoulas, Stefanos | University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Ferraioli, Giuseppe | ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace | Italy | |
Flemming, Hans-Curt | Germany | ||
Flores Martinez, Claudio | Heidelberg University | Germany | |
Fomina, Elena | FSC RF-IMBP | Russian Federation | |
Fox, Nicola | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Fragola, Joseph | Valador, Inc. | United States | |
Frett, Timo | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany | |
Fu, Yuming | Beihang University | China | |
Fuglesang, Christer | KTH | Sweden | |
Funtova, Irina | Institute for Biomedical Problems | Russian Federation | |
Funtova, Irina I. | Institute for Biomedical Problems | Russian Federation | |
Furusawa, Yoshiya | National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) | Japan | |
Futaana, Yoshifumi | Institutet för Rymdfysik (Swedish Institute for Space Physics) | Sweden | |
GOORNAVAR, VIRUPAXI | Norfolk State University | United States | |
Gao, Feng | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Gao, Feng | China Astronaut Research and Training Cednter | China | |
Gao, Feng | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Gao, Kaiyu | Beihang University | China | |
Gao, Lijuan | Beijing Center for Physical and Chemical Analysis (BCPCA) | China | |
Gao, Yuxing | China | ||
Genchi, Giada | Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna | Italy | |
Gerasimenko, Yury | Insitute of Physiology named by I.P. Pavlov of the RAS | Russian Federation | |
Ghorashi, Alireza | Iran | ||
Ghosh, Sanjoy | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Giovannini, Mattia | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
Gorodnichev, Ruslan | Academy of Sports and Physical training of Velikie Luki | Russian Federation | |
Goswami, Nandu | Medical University of Graz | Austria | |
Gourinat, Yves | ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace | France | |
Grenon, Marlene | University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) | United States | |
Grigoriev, Anatoly | IBMP | Russian Federation | |
Gu, Yin | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Guan, Shuanghong | Harbin Institute of Technology | China | |
Gunga, Hanns-Christian | Charité - University Medicine Berlin | Germany | |
Guo, Shuangsheng | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Guven, Ugur | United States | ||
Gómez, Felipe | Centro de Astrobiologia (INTA-CSIC) | Spain | |
Haggerty, Dennis | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Hajialigol, Saeed | Iran | ||
Halpern, Bruce | Cornell University | United States | |
Hao, Li | Astronaut Center of China | China | |
Hao, Tong | China | ||
Hauschild, Swantje | Switzerland | ||
He, Jinpeng | China | ||
He, Li | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
He, Li | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
He, Yujian | University of Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | |
Hinghofer-Szalkay, Helmut | Austria | ||
Hirayama, Ryoichi | Japan | ||
Holschuh, Bradley | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | |
Hongqi, Feng | China | ||
Hongxia, Liu | Tsinghua University | China | |
Horneck, Gerda | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institute of Aerospace Medicine | Germany | |
Hu, Lifang | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Hu, Wentao | CAS | China | |
Hunter, Jean | Cornell University | United States | |
Hurley, Dana | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Hürlimann, Eva | University of Zurich | Switzerland | |
Idarraga-Munoz, John | University of Houston | Switzerland | |
Ilyin, Eugeny | SSC RF-Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS | Russian Federation | |
Ivanov, Gennady | IBMP | Russian Federation | |
Iwase, Satoshi | Aichi Medical University | Japan | |
JI, Zhiliang | Xiamen University | China | |
Jakubek, Jan | Czech Technical University In Prague (CTU) | Czech Republic | |
Jethani, Henna | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | |
Ji, Guohua | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Jia, xianghong | China | ||
Jiang, Lijun | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Jin, Lili | Yanshan University | China | |
Jing, Wang | China | ||
Junrong, Li | Astronaut Center of China | China | |
Karouia, Fathi | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research Center / UCSF | United States | |
Kawata, Tetsuya | Japan | ||
Kendrick, Dustin | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | |
Kerrest, Armel | University of Western Brittany (UBO) | France | |
Kibler, Kathy | Baylor University | United States | |
Kminek, Gerhard | European Space Agency (ESA) | The Netherlands | |
Kochetkov, Alexey | NIICHIMMASH | Russian Federation | |
Koosha, Morteza | Iran | ||
Kozlovskaya, Inesa | Institute for Biomedical Problems | Russian Federation | |
Kropiunig, Christian | Joanneum Research | Austria | |
Kroupa, Martin | University of Houston | United States | |
Kurmazenko, Eduard | NIICHIMMASH | Russian Federation | |
Kussmaul, Anna | SSC RF-Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS | Russian Federation | |
LEI, XIAOHUA | Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | |
LI, Yanjun | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
LUO, Haiying | China | ||
Langston, Sara | The University of Sydney | United States | |
Lario, David | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Laurin, Alexandre | Simon Fraser University | Canada | |
Lawrence, David | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Layer, Liliana | Germany | ||
Lazzarini, Andrea | University of Udine | Italy | |
Lei, Runhong | China | ||
Li, He | China | ||
Li, Leyuan | China | ||
Li, Rui | China | ||
Li, Suping | China | ||
Li, Yanmei | Key Laboratory of Bioorganic Phosphorus Chemistry & Chemical Biology of Ministry of Education, Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University | China | |
Li, Yinghui | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Li, Yingxian | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Li, Yuheng | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Li, Yunze | Beihang University | China | |
Li, Zhongchi | China | ||
Lier, Hartwin | Germany | ||
Lilley, David | University of Dundee | United Kingdom | |
Lin, Qiuxia | China | ||
Liping, Tian | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Liu, Chunlei | Beijing Key Lab of Applied Experimental Psychology, School of Psychology,Beijing Normal University | China | |
Liu, Cuihua | Japan | ||
Liu, Fangwu | China | ||
Liu, Guanglei | Beihang University | China | |
Liu, Hao | China aerospace science & industry corporation | China | |
Liu, Hong | Beihang University | China | |
Liu, Hongju | China Astronaut Research and Training Cednter | China | |
Liu, Hui | China | ||
Liu, Liu | China | ||
Liu, Xueyong | China | ||
Liu, Yan | China | ||
Lizy-Destrez, Stéphanie | SUPAERO- Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace | France | |
Lu, Weihong | Harbin Institute of Technology | China | |
Lu, Zhongguo | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Luchitskaya, Elena | Institute for Biomedical Problems | Russian Federation | |
Luo, Yuejia | Beijing Normal University | China | |
Lv, Ke | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Lv, Xuefei | China | ||
Lyon, John | Dartmouth College | United States | |
Lysova, Natalya | FSC RF-IMBP | Russian Federation | |
Lüthen, Christian | Erasmus MC - University Medical Center Rotterdam | The Netherlands | |
M Ganapathy, Rohan | Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology | India | |
Ma, Aijun | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Ma, Hong | China | ||
Mafi, Mahsa | University of Saskatchewan | Canada | |
Maggiore, Paolo | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
Majeedul H., Chowdhury | NYC College of Technology, The City University of New York | United States | |
Markov-Vetter, Daniela | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany | |
Marshall-Bowman, Karina | International Space University (ISU) | Germany | |
Mason, Glenn | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Masuda, Daisuke | Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation (JAMSS) | Japan | |
Matsumoto, Yoshitaka | Japan | ||
Mattoli, Virgilio | Italian Institute of Technology (ITT) | Italy | |
Matviyenko State DesOfficeign, Sergiy | Yuzhnoye State Design Office | Ukraine | |
Mayrhofer, Michael | AMST Systemtechnik GmbH | Austria | |
Mazzolai, Barbara | Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia | Italy | |
McAdams, James | JHU Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
McFather, Jon | Wyle Labs/NASA-JSC | United States | |
McNutt, Jr., Ralph L. | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Menciassi, Arianna | Italy | ||
Merkin, Viacheslav | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Messidoro, Andrea | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
Mewaldt, Richard | California Institute of Technology | United States | |
Meyen, Forrest | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | |
Min, Yuan | State Key Laboratory of Space Medicine Fundamentals and Application, China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Miranda, Hector | Texas Southern University | United States | |
Moll, Eckard | Germany | ||
Monici, Monica | Università degli Studi di Firenze (UniFI) | Italy | |
Montanaro, Laura | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
Morukov, Boris | IBMP | Russian Federation | |
Moshonkina, Tatiana | Institute of Physiology named by I.P. Pavlov, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) | Russian Federation | |
Muller, Christian | Belgian User Support and Operation Centre (B.USOC) | Belgium | |
NING, LINA | Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | |
Nathanson, Emil | University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Newman, Dava | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | |
Nichiporuk, Igor | IBMP | Russian Federation | |
Nicolas, Michel | Université de Bourgogne | France | |
Niepel, Albert | Austria | ||
Nishimura, Naoki | Aichi Medical University | Japan | |
Nusbaum, Derek | United States | ||
Obropta, Edward | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | |
Ogneva, Irina | IBMP | Russian Federation | |
Opatz, Oliver | Center for Space Medicine Berlin (ZWMB) | Germany | |
Orlov, Oleg | SSC RF-Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS | Russian Federation | |
Orr, Martin | National Institute For Health Innovation Auckland University New Zealand | New Zealand | |
Ou, Yuan | China | ||
Owe, Jan Ove | Norwegian Armed Forces | Norway | |
Paranicas, Christopher | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Paulsen, Kathrin | University of Zurich | Switzerland | |
Pei, Hailong | China | ||
Peng, Yuming | Dalian Maritime University | China | |
Pengxiang, Xu | Xiamen University | China | |
Petrat, Guido | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany | |
Peyvan, Kia | Peyvan Systems, Inc. | United States | |
Philpot, Claudia | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) | Germany | |
Pinsky, Lawrence | University of Houston | United States | |
Podhajsky, Sandra | OHB System AG-Bremen | Germany | |
Pohorille, Andrew | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research Center | United States | |
Popoola, Temidayo | Nigerian Meteorological Agency | Nigeria | |
Pospisil, Stanislav | Czech Technical University In Prague (CTU) | Czech Republic | |
Prettyman, Thomas | Planetary Science Institute | United States | |
Qian, Ai-Rong | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Qin, Haibo | Astronaut Center of China | China | |
Qin, Haibo | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Qin, Kuiwei | China | ||
Qin, Lifeng | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Qin, Lifeng | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Qin, Yi-Xian | State University of New York | United States | |
Qing, Hong | China | ||
Qu, Lina | China | ||
Qu, Lina | Astronaut Center of China | China | |
RAMESH, GOVINDARAJAN | Norfolk State University | United States | |
ROTTMEIER, FABRICE | RUAG Space AG | Switzerland | |
Raig, Christiane | University of Zurich | Switzerland | |
Rao, Ling | China | ||
Raouafi, NourEddine | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Raoul, Hervé | INSERM | France | |
Reitz, Guenther | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) | Germany | |
Ren, Jin | China | ||
Rettberg, Petra | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) | Germany | |
Ricco, Antonio J. | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | United States | |
Roelof, Edmond | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Romanov, Sergey | S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia | Russian Federation | |
Ruggiu, Alessandra | Università degli Studi di Genova | Italy | |
Rummel, John D. | East Carolina University | United States | |
Rusanov, Vasily | IBMP | Russian Federation | |
Russomano, Thais | Microgravity Centre | Brazil | |
S. GRIDLEY, DAILA | Loma Linda University | United States | |
Salajeghe, Somaie | University of Saskatchewan | Canada | |
Salminen, Mika | National Institute for Health and Welfare | Finland | |
Samarin, Georgy | State Scientific Center of Russian Federation, Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences | Russian Federation | |
Sandoval, Luis | The University of Texas at Austin | United States | |
Sang, Chen | Beihang Universityy | China | |
Santos, Orlando | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research Center | United States | |
Sarty, Gordon | University of Saskatchewan | Canada | |
Savelev, Igor | Wyle Science, Technology and Engineering Group | United States | |
Schlabs, Thomas | Charité - University Medicine Berlin | Germany | |
Schwandtner, Johann | AMST Systemtechnik GmbH | Austria | |
Schwarzwaelder, Achim | Airbus China | Germany | |
Seedhouse, Erik | Astronauts4Hire | Canada | |
Semones, Edward J. | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Johnson Space Center | United States | |
Sgambati, Antonella | OHB System AG-Bremen | Germany | |
Shang, Peng | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Shanguang, Chen | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Shao, Lingzhi | China | ||
Shao, ZhanWei | China | ||
Sharp, Jonathan | NRC Institute for Biodiagnostics | Canada | |
Shi, Quanwei | China | ||
Shiwen, Wu | Department of Neurology, General Hospital of Armed Police Forces | China | |
Shizhong, Jiang | China Astronaut Research and Training Cednter | China | |
Shu, Zhang | Department of Neurology, General Hospital of Armed Police Forces | China | |
Shuai, Sang | Xiamen University | China | |
Shuangsheng, Guo | China | ||
Sinyak, Juriy | FSC RF-IMBP | Russian Federation | |
Slenzka, Klaus | OHB System AG-Bremen | Germany | |
Song, Jinping | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Staadt, Oliver | University of Rostock | Germany | |
Stackebrandt, Erko | France | ||
Stahn, Alexander Christoph | Center for Space Medicine Berlin (ZWMB) | Germany | |
Stoffle, Nicholas | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Johnson Space Center | United States | |
Sun, Hongyi | China | ||
Sun, Yeqing | Dalian Maritime University | China | |
Sun, Yi | China | ||
Sundlisæter, Tale | Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | Germany | |
Sutton, Jeffrey | National Space and Biomedical Research Institute | United States | |
Sychev, Vladimir N. | Institute for Biomedical Problems | Russian Federation | |
TEWARI, BRIJ | University of Guyana | Guyana | |
Tanaka, Kunihiko | Gifu University | Japan | |
Tanbakouei, Safoora | Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | Iran | |
Tang, Guo | China | ||
Tang, Yongkang | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Tang, Yongkang | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Tank, Jens | Hannover Medical School | Germany | |
Tao, Wang | China | ||
Tauber, Svantje | Switzerland | ||
Tavella, Sara | Università degli Studi di Genova | Italy | |
Thiel, Cora S. | University of Zurich | Switzerland | |
Tian, Jifeng | Yanshan University | China | |
Tian, Yu | Astronaut Center of China | China | |
TingMei, Wang | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Tinghui, Li | The 309th Hospital of Chinese People’s Liberation Army | China | |
Tomanek, Boguslaw | NRC Institude for Biodiagnostics | Canada | |
Tomilovskaya, Elena | Institute for Biomedical Problems | Russian Federation | |
Tong, Feizhou | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Tracino, Emanuele | Thales Alenia Space Italia | Italy | |
Trigg, Chris | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | |
Tritchler, Stephanie | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | |, Alexander | NIICHIMMASH | Russian Federation | |
Turecek, Daniel | Czech Technical University In Prague (CTU) | Czech Republic | |
Turek, Krzysztof | AGH University of Science and Technology | Canada | |
Uddin, Sardar Zia | United States | ||
Ullrich, Oliver | University of Zurich | Switzerland | |
Velidi, Gurunadh | University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | |
Viberti, Carlo | SpaceLand | Italy | |
Vykydal, Zdenek | Czech Technical University In Prague (CTU) | Czech Republic | |
WU, HONGLU | NASA Johnson Space Center | United States | |
Walter, Nicolas | European Science Foundation | France | |
Wan, Yumin | China | ||
Wang, Chunyan | Institute of Space Medico-Engineering | China | |
Wang, Chunyan | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Wang, Fengyan | Yanshan University | China | |
Wang, Hailong | China | ||
Wang, Hailong | China | ||
Wang, Haiyan | Yanshan University | China | |
Wang, Hongchao | Yanshan University | China | |
Wang, Honghui | China | ||
Wang, Jin-Fu | Zhejiang University | China | |
Wang, Jingyu | State Key Laboratory of Space Medicine Fundamentals and Application, China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Wang, Jufang | China | ||
Wang, Jun | Astronaut Center of China | China | |
Wang, Lin-Jie | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Wang, Lin-Jie | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Wang, Minjuan | China | ||
Wang, Shengnan | Beihang University | China | |
Wang, Wei | Dalian Maritime University | China | |
Wang, Xiaogang | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Wang, Yanli | State Key Laboratory of Space Medicine Fundamentals and Application, China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Wang, Yue | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Wang, Yuedan | Peking University | China | |
Wang, Zhicheng | China | ||
Wei, Yi | Astronaut Center of China | China | |
Weidang, Ai | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Weifen, Huang | China | ||
Weiss, Karine | France | ||
Werner, Andreas | Charité - University Medicine Berlin | Germany | |
Wiedenbeck, Mark | Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology | United States | |
Wiltberger, Michael | High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research | United States | |
Wu, Bin | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Wu, Chongyang | Yanshan University | China | |
Wu, Feng | China | ||
Wu, Yile | Xiamen University | China | |
XIAO, YI | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Xiang, Gao | Xiamen University | China | |
Xing, Qiaorui | China | ||
Xu, Dan | Dalian Maritime University | China | |
Xu, Kanyan | China | ||
Xu, Shuihong | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Xueji, Wu | Xiamen University | China | |
Yan, Li | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Yan, Rong | China | ||
Yang, Chun | School of Aerospace, Tsinghua University, Beijing | China | |
Yang, Songlin | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Yang, Zuye | China | ||
Yanhua, Lu | CASC | China | |
Ye, yong | China | ||
Young, Laurence R. | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | |
Yuan, Jun-xia | China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) | China | |
Yuan, Ming | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Yuan, Ming | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Yunze, Shen | China | ||
ZHAO, Yong | China | ||
ZHENG, HUI QIONG | Shanghai institute for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) | China | |
Zeleznyakov, Alexander | RSC "Energia" | Russian Federation | |
Zhang, Congxiao | China | ||
Zhang, Di | China | ||
Zhang, Hui | Xiamen University | China | |
Zhang, Mao | American Netong Inc. | United States | |
Zhang, Peng | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Zhao, Chengjian | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Zhao, Dongming | China | ||
Zhao, Nan | China | ||
Zhao, Qian | Dalian Maritime University | China | |
Zhao, Tuo | China | ||
Zhao, Tuo | China | ||
Zhao, Yufen | CAS | China | |
Zhao, Yufen | Xiamen University | China | |
Zhong, Ping | Institute of Space Medico-Engineering | China | |
Zhou, Dazhuang | National Space Science Center (NSSC), Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | |
Zhou, Guangming | Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | |
Zhou, Guodong | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Zhou, Hang | China | ||
Zhou, Renlai | Beijing Key Lab of Applied Experimental Psychology, School of Psychology,Beijing Normal University;State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University | China | |
Zhou, Shuai | Beihang University | China | |
Zhou, Wanlong | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Zhou, Yongkang | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
Zhuang, Fengyuan | Beihang University | China | |
Zolesi, Valfredo | Kayser Italia Srl | Italy | |
bai, guie | China | ||
bo, Gao | Harbin Institute of Technology | China | |
chen, kaixian | Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | China | |
chen, xiaoping | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
fan, quanchun | China | ||
feng, jing | China | ||
gao, jianyi | China | ||
haixiao, zhuang | CAST | China | |
han, daxiong | Xiamen University | China | |
jing, xiaolu | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
lei, gang | China | ||
li, man | China | ||
li, yongzhi | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
liu, fang | China | ||
liu, junlian | China | ||
liu, mei | Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | |
liu, yu | China | ||
lu, wang | 1)Science and technology on aerospace flight dynamics laboratory, Beijing, China;2)Beijing aerospace control center, Beijing, China; | China | |
mi, tao | China | ||
shi, hongzhi | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | China | |
shihua, zhou | Astronaut Center of China | China | |
tan, Yingjun | Institute of Space Medico-Engineering | China | |
wang, haiyan | Third institute of oceanography, State Oceanic Administration | China | |
xing, guo | Lanzhou Institute of Physics | China | |
zhang, meng | Dalian Maritime University | China | |
zhao, shuang | China | ||
Şahin, Irmak Begüm | Türkiye |