Technical programme
IAC-13 — 64th International Astronautical Congress
This symposium will address the complete spectrum of technical issues of space debris: measurements, modelling, risk assessment in space and on the ground, reentry, hypervelocity impacts and protection, mitigation and standards, and Space Surveillance.
- Coordinator
Christophe Bonnal
European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences (EUCASS) — FranceNicholas L. Johnson
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) — United StatesMark Matney
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Johnson Space Center — United States
A6.1. Measurements
This session will address advanced ground and space-based measurement techniques, related processing methods, and results of space debris characterisation.
- Chairman
Vladimir Agapov
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RAS — Russian FederationThomas Schildknecht
SwissSpace Association — Switzerland
- Rapporteur
Patrick Seitzer
University of Michigan — United States
A6.2. Modelling and Risk Analysis
This session will address the characterisation of the current and future debris population and methods for in-orbit and on-ground risk assessments. The in-orbit analysis will cover collision risk estimates based on statistical population models and deterministic catalogues, and active avoidance.
- Chairman
Carmen Pardini
ISTI-CNR — ItalyPaula Krisko
ESCG/Jacobs — United States
- Rapporteur
Carsten Wiedemann
TU Braunschweig, Institute of Space Systems — Germany
A6.3. Hypervelocity Impacts and Protection
The session will address passive protection, shielding and damage predictions. Shielding aspects will be supported by experimental and computational results of HVI tests. Use of HVI techniques for debris mitigation.
- Co-Chair
Sergey Meshcheryakov
TSNIIMASH — Russian FederationFrank Schaefer
Fraunhofer - Institut für Kurzzeitdynamik, Ernst-Mach-Institut (EMI) — Germany
- Rapporteur
Alessandro Francesconi
University of Padova - DII/CISAS — Italy
A6.4. Mitigation and Standards
This session will focus on the definition and implementation of debris prevention and reduction measures and vehicle passive protection. The session will also address space debris mitigation guidelines and standards that exist already or are in preparation at the national or international level.
- Chairman
Fernand Alby
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) — FranceHeiner Klinkrad
European Space Agency (ESA) — Germany
- Rapporteur
Michael Yakovlev
Central Research Institute of Machine Building (FSUE/TSNIIMASH) — Russian Federation
A6.5. Space Debris Removal Issues
This session will address active removal techniques “ground and space based”, review potential solutions and identify implementation difficulties.
- Co-Chair
V. Adimurthy
Indian Space Researh Organisation — IndiaFabio Santoni
Sapienza University of Rome — Italy
- Rapporteur
John Hussey
Consultant — United States
A6.6. Space Debris Removal Concepts
This session will address active removal techniques “ground and space based”, review potential solutions and identify implementation difficulties.
- Chairman
Phillip Anz-Meador
ESCG/Jacobs — United StatesSeishiro Kibe
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) — Japan
- Rapporteur
Martin Rudolph
Fraunhofer - Institute for High-Speed Dynamics — Germany
A6.7. Operations in Space Debris Environment, Situational Awareness
This session will address the multiple aspects associated with safe operations in space dealing with Space Debris, including operational observations, orbit determination, catalogue build-up and maintenance, data aggregation from different sources, relevant data exchange standards and conjunction analyses.
- Chairman
Darren McKnight
LeoLabs — United StatesT.S. Kelso
CelesTrak — United States
- Rapporteur
Holger Krag
European Space Agency (ESA) — Germany
A6.8. Political, legal, Institutional and Economic Aspects of Space Debris Mitigation and Removal
This session organised with Space Security Committee will deal with the non-technical aspect of space debris mitigation and removal. Political, legal and institutional aspects include the role of IADC and UNCOPUOS and other multilateral bodies. Economic issues include insurance, financial incentives and funding for space debris mitigation and removal. The role of international cooperation in addressing these issues will be considered.
- Chairman
Kazuto Suzuki
Hokkaido University — JapanTommaso Sgobba
International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety — The Netherlands
- Rapporteur
Charlotte Mathieu
European Space Agency (ESA) — France
A6.P. Poster Session
- Co-Chair
Christophe Bonnal
European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences (EUCASS) — FranceNicholas L. Johnson
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) — United StatesMark Matney
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Johnson Space Center — United States