session 7
- Title
Space Vehicles – Mechanical/Thermal/Fluidic Systems
- type
- Description
The topics to be addressed include novel technical concepts for mechanical/thermal/fluidic systems and subsystems of launchers, manned and unmanned spacecraft, re-entry vehicles and small satellites. Advanced subsystems and design of future exploration missions will be covered, considering issues arising from material selection, cost efficiency and reliability, and advancements in space vehicle development with respect to engineering analysis, manufacturing, and test verification.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Dr. Brij Agrawal, Naval Postgraduate School, United States;
Co-Chair: Prof.Dr. Oleg Alifanov, MAI, Russian Federation;
Rapporteur: Prof. Guoliang Mao, Beijing Institute of Aerodynamics, China;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | Parametric Shape Optimization of Reentry Module for Space Missions | 15' | Dr. Ugur Guven | United States | |||
2 | Thermal modeling of the adaptive thermal control microsystem of the spacecraft | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Anatoliy Patsievskiy | S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia | Russian Federation | |
3 | Global error estimation in CFD mesh coarsening process for uncertainty quantification methods | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Martin Kubicek | University of Strathclyde | United Kingdom | |
4 | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Anton Burdanov | Central Research Institute for Machine Building (FGUP TSNIIMASH) | Russian Federation | ||
5 | Heat Transfer Management by Aerospikes for a Hypothesized Lifting Body in Hypersonic Flow | 15' | withdrawn | Dr. Shashank Khurana | The University of TOKYO, Graduate school | China | |
6 | aerodynamic improvement of the brazilian satellite launch vehicle | 10' | confirmed | Mr. Col. Jose Duarte | Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço (IAE) | Brazil | |
7 | 10' | confirmed | Mr. Mollik Nayyar | Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University | India | ||
8 | Aerodynamic Design of a Capsule Configuration for High-speed Manned Re-entry | 10' | confirmed | Mr. Bingyan Chen | China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics (CAAA) | China | |
9 | variable inertia fluidic ring actuator on attitude control and residual fuel management systems | 10' | confirmed | Ms. Hong Guan | Beihang University | China | |
10 | the study on iot based manufacturing system for astronautical products | 10' | confirmed | Mr. Xie Xinping | Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics | China | |
11 | 10' | confirmed | Mr. Timothy Szwarc | Stanford University | United States | ||
12 | Transient study about the heat transfer of sublimator combined with fluid loop | 10' | confirmed | Dr. Yuying WANG | Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, China Academy of Space Technology | China | |
13 | 10' | confirmed | Dr. Carlo Purpura | CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Centre | Italy |