session 1
- Title
Novel Concepts and Technologies
- type
- Description
In order to realise future, sustainable programmes of space exploration and utilisation, a focused suite of transformational new systems concepts and supporting technologies must be advanced during the coming decade. The technical objectives to be pursued should be drawn from a broad, forward looking view of the technologies and systems needed, but must be sufficiently well focused to allow tangible progression and dramatic improvements over current capabilities to be realised in the foreseeable future. This session will address cross cutting considerations in which a number of discipline research topics and/or technologies may be successful synthesised to enable a transformation new systems concept to be achieved. Papers are solicited in these and related areas.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Chairman: Dr. Claudio Bruno, United States;
Chairman: Mr. Hans E.W. Hoffmann, Germany;
Rapporteur: Ms. Kathleen Coderre, Lockheed Martin (Space Systems Company), United States;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | ARCHITECTURAL CONCEPTS FOR A LUNAR CAMPUS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE UNIVERSITY | 15' | confirmed | Dr. James Burke | The Planetary Society | United States | |
2 | 15' | Mr. Lakshya Datta | University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | |||
3 | Possibilities and Challenges of Detecting ExoMoons for Colonization and for Advanced Terraforming | 15' | withdrawn | Mr. Rohan M Ganapathy | Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology | India | |
4 | 15' | withdrawn | Mr. Giorgio Gaviraghi | Unispace Exponential Creativity | Italy | ||
5 | Utilizing Near Earth Objects (NEOs) as spacecraft for manned interplanetary exploration | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Huai-Chien Chang | The University of TOKYO, Graduate school | Japan | |
6 | Launch Sustainability Forums Seek Novel Innovations and Carve Niche Audiences | 15' | Ms. Beth Beck | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | United States | ||
7 | Control Force Sharing Approach for Fractionated Spacecraft Based on Electromagnetic Force | 15' | confirmed | Dr. Min Hu | Academy of Equipment | China | |
8 | Vacuum-arc Asteroid Thrusters (VAST) – a design concept for an asteroid space transportation system | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Jonathan Lun | South African National Space Agency (SANSA) | South Africa | |
9 | Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas – A new class of tools for supporting future exploration missions | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Christopher Vasko | Eindhoven University of Technology | The Netherlands | |
10 | Interstellar Mission to Wolf 359: Possibilities for the Future | 15' | Dr. Ugur Guven | United States |