Technical programme
IAC-13 — 64th International Astronautical Congress
Topics should address commercial safety and regulatory policy issues for orbital and suborbital space transportation and spaceports. The goal is to identify issues common to commercial operators of both human and robotic space vehicles to increase international safety and interoperability.
- Coordinator
John Sloan
Federal Aviation Administration Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA/AST) — United States
D6.1. Commercial Space Flight Safety and Emerging Issues
This special session is seeking papers that will address commercial and government experience regarding the actual cost of implementing safety on human-rated spacecraft. Comparisons between the recurring costs of human-rated and robotic spacecraft manufactured by the same organisation are encouraged; such comparisons might be at the spacecraft or subsystem level as appropriate. Papers examining the non-recurring cost differences are also encouraged, as well as discussions of the differences in cost of launch site infrastructure and launch vehicles launching human-rated verses robotic spacecraft. In addition, each paper should address the following: It is commonly held that practices of commercial space (specifically the pursuit of efficiencies of process, cost, labour, etc.) and practices in space safety are in direct competition with each other, i.e., a gain in one is a loss to the other. Can a profitable space business be conducted safely?
- Chairman
John Sloan
Federal Aviation Administration Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA/AST) — United StatesChristophe Chavagnac
Airbus Defence and Space SAS — France
- Rapporteur
Gennaro Russo
Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica (AIDAA) — Italy
D6.2-D2.9. Solutions for Human Flights in China
This session is co-sponsored by IAA Commission III and will address topics such as systems, technical solutions, legal aspects, market analysis, insurance, regulatory constraints, spaceports.
- Co-Chair
Jens Lassmann
ArianeGroup — Germany
- Rapporteur
Julio Aprea
European Space Agency (ESA) — France