Technical programme
IAC-13 — 64th International Astronautical Congress
History of space sciences, technology and development, rocketry, personal memoirs. The entire spectrum of space history, at least 25 years old, is covered as well as history of rocketry and astronautics in China.
- Coordinator
Christophe Rothmund
Airbus Safran Launchers — FrancePhilippe Jung
Airbus SAS — FranceA. Ingemar Skoog
— Germany
E4.1. Memoirs and Organisational Histories
Autobiographical and biographical memoirs of individuals who have made original contributions to the development and application of astronautics and rocketry. History of government, industrial, academic and professional societies & organisations long engaged in astronautical endeavours.
- Chairman
Marsha Freeman
21st Century Science & Technology — United StatesHervé Moulin
- Rapporteur
Theo Pirard
Space Information Center — BelgiumNiklas Reinke
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) — Germany
E4.2. Scientific and Technical Histories
Historical summaries of rocket and space programs, and the corresponding technical and scientific achievements.
- Chairman
Kerrie Dougherty
— AustraliaSusan McKenna-Lawlor
Space Technology (Ireland) Ltd. — Ireland
- Rapporteur
Christophe Rothmund
Airbus Safran Launchers — FranceWilliam Cuthbert Jones
Executive Intelligence Review News Service — United States
E4.3. History of Chinese Contribution to Astronautics
Special session with invited and proposed speakers. Origin (technical and political aspects) of the space activities and programmes of China.
- Chairman
Christophe Rothmund
Airbus Safran Launchers — France
- Rapporteur
Charles Lundquist
University of Alabama in Huntsville — United States