session 3
- Title
International Regulations of Space Communications: Current Issues
- type
- Description
This session addresses the challenges related to the present international system of frequency allocations and the “reservation” of orbital slots for space communications, and is intended to examine how or whether they are met in the World Conference of International Telecommunications (WCIT) to be convened in December 2012. Papers are invited to examine and deliberate on the wording of the ITU Constitution and Convention and the International Telecommunications Regulations (ITRs), with special regard to registration procedures. Moreover, papers are invited to address specific issues such as the liability for damage and loss caused by the use of satellite based services or new developments in the relevant legislation of regional structures, such as the European Union. Finally, papers could discuss whether the WCIT supports future changes in markets, services and technologies consistent with the requirements of a highly dynamic industry.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Chairman: Prof. Francis Lyall, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K., United Kingdom;
Chairman: Mr. Dennis Burnett, [unlisted], United States;
Rapporteur: Dr. Andreas Loukakis, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg ;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | The equitable access to the GEO for developing countries: A pending challenge | 15' | confirmed | Prof. Camilo Guzman Gomez | UNIVERSIDAD SERGIO ARBOLEDA | Colombia | |
2 | Efficient and Equitable Use of Orbit by Satellite Systems: “Paper Satellite” Issue Revisited | 15' | confirmed | Prof. Setsuko Aoki | Keio University | Japan | |
3 | 15' | withdrawn | Prof. Ram S. Jakhu | McGill University | Canada | ||
4 | The ITU Radio Regulations and WRC-15 challenges related to space services | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Yvon HENRI | ITU | Switzerland | |
5 | 15' | Prof. Douglas Vakoch | SETI Institute and California Institute of Integral Studies | United States | |||
6 | 15' | confirmed | Prof. Larry Martinez | International Institute of Space Law (IISL) | United States | ||
7 | The current challenges of liability for loss of satellite-based services | 15' | confirmed | Prof. Lesley Jane Smith | Leuphana University of Lüneburg/Weber-Steinhaus & Smith | Germany | |
8 | “ Product liability ramifications for erroneous GNSS signals: An alternative approach is possible?” | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Andreas Loukakis | Luxembourg | ||
9 | ITU Instruments under the Perspective of General International Law | 15' | confirmed | Prof. Mahulena Hofmann | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg |