session 4
- Title
Legal Aspects of Space Debris Remediation
- type
- Description
Orbital debris has long been recognised as presenting legal challenges. Several instruments in the field of debris mitigation have been concluded in recent years. This panel will specifically focus on legal aspects of debris remediation through disposal or active debris removal (ADR). Papers are invited to address these activities in light of the current legal regime governing outer space activities, including non-binding instruments and national regulations and plans, and to build on the conclusions and recommendations of recent studies on debris remediation by various institutions. Specific questions to be addressed could include the definition of space object and space debris, liability for and jurisdiction over inactive space objects, parallels with the right of salvage in the law of the sea regime, liability for failed removal operations or the question of financing ADR through the establishment of a so-called 'clean-up fund'.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Chairman: Prof. Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz, University of Mississippi, United States;
Chairman: Dr. Bin Li, Beihang University, China;
Rapporteur: Dr. Catherine Doldirina, International Institute of Space Law (IISL), Italy;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | Preserving the Outer Space Environment: the ‘Precautionary Principle’ Approach to Space Debris | 15' | confirmed | Dr. OLAVO DE OLIVEIRA BITTENCOURT NETO | University of Sao Paulo | Brazil | |
2 | Drafting norms on space debris. A new task for the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee? | 15' | withdrawn | Prof. Irmgard Marboe | University of Vienna | Austria | |
3 | 15' | confirmed | Ms. Olga S. Stelmakh | Parliament of Ukraine / V.Koretsky Institute of State and Law, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | Ukraine | ||
4 | 15' | confirmed | Dr. Olga Volynskaya | State Space Corporation ROSCOSMOS | Russian Federation | ||
5 | liability for space debris in the framework of private international space law | 15' | confirmed | Dr. Hamid Kazemi | Iran | ||
6 | 15' | withdrawn | Dr. Marco Ferrazzani | European Space Agency (ESA) | France | ||
7 | the due criteria and principles for the active space debris removal | 15' | confirmed | Dr. Guoyu Wang | China | ||
8 | Space Debris Remediation- Common but Differentiated Responsibility | 15' | confirmed | Mr. V. Gopala Krishnan | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
9 | The international regime for space debris remediation in light of commercialized space activities | 15' | confirmed | Prof. SOUICHIROU KOZUKA | Gakushuin University | Japan | |
10 | 15' | confirmed | Ms. Melissa K. Force | MK Force Consultants | United States | ||
11 | Analysis of non-cooperative space object remediation options | 15' | Mr. James Rendleman | United States | |||
12 | Remediation of Space Debris through mechanism of the Right to Salvage | 15' | confirmed | Ms. Madiha Riaz | SUPARCO | Pakistan | |
13 | Japanese Contribution to the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) | 15' | confirmed | Prof. Yasuaki Hashimoto | National Institute for Defense Studies | Japan | |
14 | China and Space Environment Protection: An Evaluation from an International Legal Perspective | 15' | confirmed | Dr. Xiaodan Wu | China Central University of Finance and Economy | China |