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    IAC-13 — 64th International Astronautical Congress


    This symposium, organised by the International Institute of Space Law (IISL), addresses various aspects of the law of outer space and is structured in five sessions.


    Lesley Jane Smith
    Leuphana University of Lüneburg/Weber-Steinhaus & SmithGermany

    Mahulena Hofmann
    University of LuxembourgLuxembourg

    Publication officer

    Rafael Moro-Aguilar

    E7.1. Nandasiri Jasentuliyana Keynote Lecture on Space Law & 5th Young Scholars Session

    In the first part of this session, the IISL will invite a prominent speaker to address the members of the Institute and other congress attendants on a highly topical issue of broad interest. The second part of this session will be especially dedicated to the space lawyers of the future, in that young scholars (under 35 years old) are invited to present a paper on “Space Law – Future Challenges and Potential Solutions”, but the IISL is also open to other topics.


    Tanja Masson-Zwaan
    International Institute of Air and Space Law, Leiden UniversityThe Netherlands

    Haifeng Zhao
    Harbin Institute of TechnologyChina


    Guoyu Wang
    Beijing Institute of Technology, Institute of Space LawChina

    E7.2. Settlement of Space-Related Disputes

    This session will critically discuss the legal rules and procedures for settlement of space-related disputes among states, private parties and international organisations, particularly those contained in the Permanent Court of Arbitration’s Optional Rules for Arbitration of Disputes Relating to Outer Space Activities, adopted on 6 December 2011.


    Sergio Marchisio
    Sapienza University of RomeItaly

    Mahulena Hofmann
    University of LuxembourgLuxembourg


    Rik Hansen
    KU LeuvenBelgium

    E7.3. International Regulations of Space Communications: Current Issues

    This session addresses the challenges related to the present international system of frequency allocations and the “reservation” of orbital slots for space communications, and is intended to examine how or whether they are met in the World Conference of International Telecommunications (WCIT) to be convened in December 2012. Papers are invited to examine and deliberate on the wording of the ITU Constitution and Convention and the International Telecommunications Regulations (ITRs), with special regard to registration procedures. Moreover, papers are invited to address specific issues such as the liability for damage and loss caused by the use of satellite based services or new developments in the relevant legislation of regional structures, such as the European Union. Finally, papers could discuss whether the WCIT supports future changes in markets, services and technologies consistent with the requirements of a highly dynamic industry.


    Francis Lyall
    University of Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K.United Kingdom

    Dennis Burnett
    [unlisted]United States


    Andreas Loukakis
    University of LuxembourgLuxembourg

    E7.4. Legal Aspects of Space Debris Remediation

    Orbital debris has long been recognised as presenting legal challenges. Several instruments in the field of debris mitigation have been concluded in recent years. This panel will specifically focus on legal aspects of debris remediation through disposal or active debris removal (ADR). Papers are invited to address these activities in light of the current legal regime governing outer space activities, including non-binding instruments and national regulations and plans, and to build on the conclusions and recommendations of recent studies on debris remediation by various institutions. Specific questions to be addressed could include the definition of space object and space debris, liability for and jurisdiction over inactive space objects, parallels with the right of salvage in the law of the sea regime, liability for failed removal operations or the question of financing ADR through the establishment of a so-called 'clean-up fund'.


    Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz
    University of MississippiUnited States

    Bin Li
    Beihang UniversityChina


    Catherine Doldirina
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)Italy

    E7.5. Recent Developments in Space Law

    In this session, papers are invited to address legal aspects of the most recent developments in space activities that have taken place since the other session topics were determined, i.e. since March 2012 only.


    Ulrike M. Bohlmann
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Setsuko Aoki
    Keio UniversityJapan


    Olga Stelmakh-Drescher
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)Germany

    E7.6-E3.5. 28th IAA/IISL Scientific-Legal Round Table "Space and the Polar Regions - Issues of Satellite Applications, Policies and Regulations"

    The Polar Regions are areas of growing geopolitical interest. While Antarctica is covered by an international agreement governing its exclusively peaceful use for scientific purposes, the Arctic is already becoming a contested area with relevance for raw materials exploitation, transport routes and security. This round table looks into space applications relevant for the Polar Regions as well as policy issues and regulatory aspects involved.


    Kai-Uwe Schrogl
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)France

    Geir Hovmork
    Norwegian Space Agency (NOSA)Norway


    Marc Haese
    DLR, German Aerospace CenterGermany

    E7.7-B3.8. Joint IAF/IISL Session on Legal Framework for Cooperative Space

    This session hosts papers on topics related to the political and legal aspects of international collaboration in future human space missions and programmes such as the ISS lifetime extension, post ISS activities in LEO or Lunar Exploration. The session provides a forum to discuss the de jure regulatory framework and de facto implementation of such programmes during the development and operation phases. In addition, it will address effects of extending the duration and partnership of the ISS programme and lessons learned from past collaborative programmes such as Interkosmos or the Shuttle-Spacelab programmes.


    Cristian Bank

    Lesley Jane Smith
    Leuphana University of Lüneburg/Weber-Steinhaus & SmithGermany


    Luise Weber-Steinhaus
    Member Women in Aerospace (WIA-Europe)Germany

    E7.P. Poster Session


    Lesley Jane Smith
    Leuphana University of Lüneburg/Weber-Steinhaus & SmithGermany

    Mahulena Hofmann
    University of LuxembourgLuxembourg