symposium E7
country | papers | |
Aerospace Research Institute, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology | Iran | 1 |
Allameh Tabataba'i University | Iran | 1 |
Allen & Overy LLP | United Kingdom | 1 |
Ankara University | Türkiye | 1 |
Astroscale Ltd | Japan | 1 |
Beihang University (BUAA) | China | 2 |
Beijing Jiaotong University | China | 1 |
Belarusian State University | Belarus | 1 |
Brazilian Association of Air and Space Law | Brazil | 1 |
Catholic University of Santos | Brazil | 3 |
Cleveland State University | United States | 1 |
CNES | France | 1 |
Danish Astronautical Society | Denmark | 1 |
Dereum Labs S.A. de C.V. | Mexico | 1 |
DLR (German Aerospace Center) | Germany | 1 |
European Space Agency (ESA) | The Netherlands | 1 |
European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) | Romania | 2 |
European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Austria | 1 |
First Steps Legal | United Kingdom | 1 |
Florida State University | United States | 1 |
Georgetown University Law Center | United States | 1 |
Government of Brazil | Brazil | 1 |
Gujarat National Law University | India | 2 |
Innovation Academy for Microsatellites, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | 1 |
Institute of Air and Space Law, McGill University | Italy | 1 |
International Institute of Space Law (IISL) | United States | 1 |
International Institute of Space Law (IISL) | United States | 3 |
International Space University (ISU) | United Kingdom | 1 |
Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications | Russian Federation | 2 |
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | 5 |
Jus Ad Astra | United States | 1 |
K. N. Toosi University of Technology | Iran | 1 |
Keio University | Japan | 1 |
KU Leuven – University of Leuven | Italy | 1 |
Laval University | Canada | 1 |
Leiden University | The Netherlands | 1 |
Lockheed Martin (Space Systems Company) | United States | 1 |
London Institute of Space Policy and Law | United Kingdom | 2 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | 1 |
Ministry of Digital Governance of Greece | Greece | 1 |
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland | Finland | 1 |
NALSAR University of Law | India | 1 |
National and Kapodistrian University Of Athens | Greece | 4 |
National Institute for Space Research - INPE | Brazil | 2 |
National Space Organization | Taipei | 1 |
National University of Singapore | Singapore, Republic of | 1 |
Northrop Grumman Corporation | United States | 1 |
Open Lunar Foundation | United States | 3 |
Open University | United Kingdom | 1 |
Orbit Fab Ltd | United States | 1 |
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) | Russian Federation | 6 |
Polytechnic of Turin | Italy | 1 |
RUDN University | Russian Federation | 1 |
Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | 5 |
Secure World Foundation | United States | 2 |
Shahid Beheshti University | Iran | 1 |
Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | United States | 7 |
Space Treaty Project | United States | 1 |
Spanish Space Agency (AEE) | Spain | 1 |
SVKM's Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies | India | 1 |
Technical University of Munich | Germany | 1 |
THALES GROUP | France | 1 |
The MITRE Corporation | United States | 1 |
The University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong SAR, China | 3 |
UAE Space Agency | United Arab Emirates | 1 |
Unidroit | Italy | 1 |
Università degli Studi di Genova | Italy | 1 |
Universite Laval | Canada | 1 |
University of Cape Town | South Africa | 2 |
University of Luxembourg | Italy | 4 |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln | The Netherlands | 1 |
University of Toulouse I (UT1) | France | 1 |
Vellore Institute of Technology | India | 1 |
Vieira de Almeida & Associados | Portugal | 1 |
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | The Netherlands | 1 |
World Space Week Association | Austria | 1 |
[unlisted] | Portugal | 8 |