rootbrowseIAC-04Asession 22. Mission and Constellation DesignPapers1. Global Optimization of Maneuver Schedule for Multiple Spacecrafts Flying in Formation2. Design and Evaluation of Optimal Reconfiguration Manoeuvres for Separated Space Interferometry3. A Survey of Guidance Requirements for Inertially Fixed Formation Flying4. COSMO-Skymed Constellation Control: Hardware and Software Implications5. Measuring the Lunar Gravity Field Using Inter-Satellites Laser Range-Rate Measurements6. A Tool for the Preliminary Design of Interplanetary Missions Exploiting Gravity Assists and Low-Thrust Propulsion7. The Design of the SMART-2/LISA-Pathfinder Mission8. Earth-Mars Return Trajectories Using Solar Sails9. Orbital Maneuvers Using Low Thurst and the Gravity of the Moon10. Cycler Orbits Utilized Low Thrust Propulsion Systems