rootbrowseIAC-04Asession PP. Poster Session on AstrodynamicsPapers1. Hierarchical Multi-Objective Optimal Control for the Aerocapture Manœuvres Preliminary Design2. ARIANE 5-ATV Mission Development and GNC Improvements3. On optimality of Q-guidance4. Space Applications of Hybrid Optimal Control Using a Pseudospectral Knotting Method5. Genetic Based Optimal Transfer to Halo Orbits6. Considerations on Control for a Tethered Satellite System through Angular Momentum Conservation7. Orbit and Attitude Joint Estimation from Magnetometer and Sun Sensor Observations for Spin Stabilized Satellites8. Fault Tolerant and Autonomous Attitude Determination System (ADS) for AAUSAT-II9. Attitude and Position Control of a Medium Sized Robotic Flying Drone10. Performance of a Numerical Booster Flyback Guidance System11. A Combined Magnetotorquer/Momentum Wheel Approach for Attitude Control of Pico Sized Satellites12. Nonlinear Attitude Control of the Micro Satellite ESEO13. Single-Shot Multiple-Measurement Sun-Line Determination by an APS-Based Sun Sensor14. Test of a Deployment Control Software for a Space Tether using a Hardware Emulator15. Contact Dynamics Model of a Space Robotic Manipulator16. Autonomous Navigation on the Approach to Planets17. Singular Variational Method Savings in Far Return from Titan