rootbrowseIAC-04Bsession 22. Future Earth Observation SystemsPapers1. RADARSAT-2 Program Update2. The Advanced Hyperspectral Mission EnMAP (Environmental Monitoring and Analysis Program) - Germany prepares for the Future3. Satellite Constellations for Climate Change and Ecological Research4. Atmosphere and Climate Explorer Plus (ACE+) - a System Design Overview5. The STEAM Project6. The Hyperspectral Environment and Resource Observer – A Canadian Mission in Support of Sustainable Development7. Earthshine: Alternative Mission Designs for the UK's First Deep-Space Satellite8. INASat-1: Satellite of a Developing Country9. The SAR Train Concept: an along Track Formation of N SAR Satellites for Diluting the Antenna Area over N Smaller Satellites, while Increasing the Performance by N