Crew - Ground Control Communication Styles: Preliminary Results
- Paper number
- Author
Dr. Vadim Gushin, Institute for Biomedical Problems, Russia
- Year
- Abstract
Introduction. Elimination of gravitational loading in longitudinal direction is key approachinhorizontalorhead-downbedreststudies. However,thegravitationalforcestill acts on the subject in the horizontal plane. In water immersion (WI) model the loading differential is eliminated and the support function is distributed homogeneously. The goal of this paper is to investigate the difference of relaxed muscle tone characteristics between the standing (ST), sitting (SI), supine rest position (SR) and while being horizontal in partial posterior neck level thermo-neutral water immersion (PWI), and to discuss the results for WI and sedentary life studies. Method. Upper Trapezius (UT) muscle tone (thenaturaloscillationfrequencyatrelaxation(FREQ)[Hz]), stiffness(STIFF)[N/m]and elasticity (reciprocal of logarithmic decrement of dampening, DECR) in ST, SI, SR, PWI and Tibialis Anterior (TA) muscle FREQ, STIFF and DECR in SR and PWI measures from 15 women were recorded by myometric method (Vain, U S Patent No. 6,132,385). This non-invasive method induces and then records oscillation of the muscle tissue by a short mechanical impact with minimal energy, avoiding neural and non-elastic reactions. Results. No significant difference was detected between ST and SI, but change from upright to SR diminished UT FREQ 33.33 quantitative decrease in FREQ and STIFF of UT muscle as a result of unloading of muscular support function, while going from upright to supine rest position. Further, the decrease of tone, stiffness and elasticity (increase of logarithmic decrement of dampening) ismorepronouncedinpartialwaterimmersionthaninsupinerestcondition. Theseresults are in line with classic weightlessness studies of the correlation between the skeletal muscle tone decrease and various degree of support elimination like immersion and bed rest. Our results and study approach might also give insights for better understanding the role of sitting immobility and cumulative monotonous support function loading of skeletal muscle in daily sedentary life.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-04-G.5.A.06.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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