rootbrowseIAC-04IAA.4.11session 44. Cost Effective Earth Observation MissionsPapers1. Faster, Better, Cheaper” at NASA: Lessons Learned in Managing and Accepting Risk for Cost Space Effective Earth Observation Missions2. The RapidEye Low Cost Mission Design3. Roadrunner: A High-Performance Responsive Space Mission4. Data Collection by Means of Formation Flight of Small Satellites with Gravity Gradient Attitude Stabilization5. High Resolution Optical Imaging with the Low Cost Topsat Small Satellite6. University of Tokyo’s Ongoing Student-Lead Pico-Satellite Projects - CubeSat XI and PRISM -7. The Micro-Satellite "Chibis" - Universal Platform for Finalizing of the Methods of the Space Monitoring of Potentially Dangerous and Catastrophic Phenomena8. Small Satellite Constellations for Earth Observation