rootbrowseIAC-04Qsession 2.A2.A. Solar System ExplorationPapers1. Cassini/Huygens Arrives at Saturn2. System Concepts and Enabling Technologies for an ESA Low-Cost Mission to Jupiter/Europa3. A Solar Power Sail Mission for A Jovian Orbiter and Trojan Asteroid Flybys4. The Exploration of the Outer Solar System: An International and Interdisciplinary Challenge5. Baseline Design of New Horizons Mission to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt6. The Interstellar Heliopause Probe7. VENUS Express on the Right Track8. Robotic Exploration of the Surface and Atmosphere of Venus9. Venus Orbiter Microspacecraft: an ESA Technology Reference Mission10. Spacefarer Solar Kites for Solar System Exploration11. Rapid Interplanetary round Trips at Moderate Energy