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  • session 3.A
  • 3.A. System Engineering Tools, Processes and Training


    1. Supporting all Phases of a Space Project Utilizing System Simulation in Matlab Simulink

    2. Setting up the System Engineering Effort of a Space Project on the Basis of ECSS Engineering Standards

    3. Flexible Design of Complex High-Integrity Systems using Trade Offs

    4. Multiobjective Global Optimization of Space Mission Design using Evolutionary Methods and Interval Analysis

    5. Generating Requirements for Complex Embedded Systems using State Analysis

    6. Structure/Flow Interaction in Inflatable Structures

    7. Automating Structural Analysis of Spacecraft Vehicles

    8. Data Mapping and Clock Synchronization: the Essence of the COTS Software Integration Proces

    9. Aeroshell Design Techniques for Aerocapture Entry Vehicles