rootbrowseIAC-04Vsession 11. Launch Vehicles in Service or in Development SystemsPapers1. Ariane 5 ECA - The Return to Flight2. Return to the Flight of M-V Rocket3. The Flight Readiness and the Future of the Boeing Delta IV Heavy Expendable Launch Vehicle4. The Soyuz in Guyana Project: an Overview5. The Falcon V Medium Lift Launch Vehicle6. Unified Fleet of Launch Vehicles “Angara” - Status Report and Development Prospects7. Systems Overview of the New Generation of Long-March Launch Vehicles8. Go Horizontal: a Responsible, Evolvable, Feasible Space Launch Roadmap9. The Enhancement Process of the European Ariane 510. Ways of Modernizing Zenit-2SLB ILV and Zenit-3SLB ILV in Terms of Improving Performance