Inflatable Aerobrake for end-of-life de-Orbit of nanosatellites: Performance evaluation and collision risk assessment
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Alex Fitié, Delft University of Techonology (TU Delft), The Netherlands
- Coauthor
Mr. Eddie van Breukelen, ISIS - Innovative Solutions In Space B.V., The Netherlands
- Coauthor
Mr. Jeroen Rotteveel, ISIS - Innovative Solutions In Space BV, The Netherlands
- Coauthor
Mr. Abe Bonnema, ISIS - Innovative Solutions In Space B.V., The Netherlands
- Coauthor
Mr. Wouter Jan Ubbels, ISIS - Innovative Solutions In Space BV, The Netherlands
- Year
- Abstract
With the growing space debris population, particularly in Low Earth Orbits and in the Geostationary Orbit, the implementation of debris mitigation measures today is a prudent and necessary step towards preserving the space environment for future generations. The space agencies have taken the first steps in implementing space debris mitigation requirements. For Low Earth Orbits (LEO), this means that more and more small satellite developers will face a requirement on maximum orbit life after their operational life. The consensus is that a 25 year orbit life after operational life is a prudent limit for LEO. This paper deals with the description of an inflatable Aerobrake design for end-of-life de-orbit of nanosatellites. The system can be mounted under a body mounted solar panel. When it is activated after the useful mission lifetime, this devices inflates a large thin membrane drag surface, thus decreasing its ballistic coefficient. With this decreased ballistic coefficient, the natural orbital decay speeds up and the satellite reenters significantly faster than without an Aerobrake. The Aerobrake design builds on earlier work which resulted in the demonstration of the feasibility with the Inflatable De-Orbit Device ‘iDod’. An analysis is performed to evaluate the de-orbit performance using several available atmospheric models, orbit propagators and debris assessment software. The effectiveness of the proposed system is assessed by modeling collision risk probability. Taking the Flux Area Time product approach as specified in debris mitigation requirements by NASA. To come to a true assessment of effectiveness, also the possible creation of more long-lived debris from collisions with the primary and secondary (thin membrane) structure is assessed.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-08.A6.4.8.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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