Canadian Science on the International Space Station
- Paper number
- Author
Dr. Nicole Buckley, Canadian Space Agency, Canada
- Coauthor
Dr. Perry Johnson-Green, Canadian Space Agency, Canada
- Year
- Abstract
In return for providing the mobile servicing unit, the Canadian Space Agency gained access to the International Space Station. Canada first used its allocation to complete the Perceptual Motor Deficit in Space (PMDIS) experiment. This experiment was done in conjunction with the German experiment TRAC. As the International Space Station itself is an international effort, the science done on ISS should also be international. This way, the science community can achieve optimal use of ISS resources. CSA will discuss mechanisms it uses to facilitate international participation. In addition, a new initiative to maximize science returns on ISS, the "low-resource" announcement of opportunity will be discussed as well as the science selected from this initiative. Finally, models to promote greater partnership while respecting individual agency autonomy will be described.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document